Chapter Seventeen -A Change of Heart?-

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Laying in bed, the room was lit up in a dim glow, little specs of dust danced in the midnight air above the still awake skeleton. His eye sockets peeled wide open, he stared at the dancing specs. They looked almost like stars painted onto the pale blue ceiling, shining when the moonlight hit them just right. Sans sighed and raised his hands into the air, letting them mingle with the specs of dust. He watched in wonder for a while, in wonder how something so beautiful could be overlooked every day. Something that only takes a few moments to see, a painted beauty. Maybe only those that are so bored as to look for it, can see it.

He took a deep breath and slowly let his hands fall. Resting on his chest, a note placed there, resting just below his hands. The same note Outer had left for him. Sans yawned tears building up in his eyes from all the times he's yawned. He shook his head and closed his eyes, focusing on the throbbing in his leg. Sans' head began to spin slowly, he sighed, his medication was kicking in. He just wishes his medication would kick in when his insomnia wasn't such a problem.

Sans opened his eyes the room spinning around him, his stomach began to churn with the spinning sensation. Sans rolled over onto his side and groaned; he pushed the note away from him afraid to ruin it. Another night alone and miserable, if only Paps could spend the nights here, but he doesn't want him to sleep in a chair the whole time. Sans sighed and took a deep shaky breath. He could already feel a bail bubbling up the back of his throat making his burn, his face scrunched up in discontent.

He reached for the bedpan sitting on his bedside table, a soft pressure built upon the bridge of his nose, slowly pushing down on his face. He heaved in a breath before it could rush out with the bail that had been sitting in the back of his throat. Not even a moment later he was forced to throw up the contents of his late-night dinner once more. He gripped onto the bedpan, leaning over the side of the bed. He heaved in a shaky breath, coughing his body shook, his rib cage wracked with coughs. He panted softly and closed his eyes; he took a moment before he set the bedpan back down on his bedside table.

Sans shook his head slowly, he stayed resting off the edge of the bed, he could suddenly feel the weight of thousand worlds crashing down on him. He groaned softly, his body felt weak and weighed down. He didn't dare open his eyes again in fear of throwing up to the spinning room around him.


The hallways were dimed with badly placed fluorescent lights, giving the long hallway a creepy feeling. Despite the calm and welcoming decor, the flickering and dimed lights gave way to the creepy feeling. The taller skeleton rubbed his arms with his gloved hands and sighed, looking around the corridor as he walked. He stopped at a familiar glass door; the curtains drawn to keep any peering eyes out. He took a deep breath and gently tugged at his scarf, it almost felt like it was choking him, but he very well knew it was just the nerves.

He shook his head and reached for the cold, metal door handle, grabbing it gently as though it may shatter. He pushed the door open slowly, guiding himself in the small room. He looked over to the bed placed neatly in the center of the room, a few chairs, and monitors surrounding the bed. "Sans?" His soft voice rang out in the quiet room, he sighed when he got a groan in response. He slowly walked over to the bed, he wasn't even fazed by the sight of his brother, it was almost common to see the medication affect him this way. He reached out to his brother and slowly picked him up, cradling his body against his chest.

Sans didn't bother to open his eyes, clearly, he already knew who it was just from the voice. "Hey...Paps." His voice sounded hoarse and scratchy; Sans was quick to lean his head against Papyrus' fluffy sweater. Papyrus sighed and slowly walked around to the other side of the bed, shifting his brother in his arms gently, he cradled him with one arm. Slowly he reached out for his IV and mobile monitor stand. He gave a gentle tug and the two stands followed him, Papyrus smiled softly at this and pulled them with him as he walked to the bathroom built into the room. He gently pushed the door open with his foot, the moonlight quickly flooding into the room, giving it a soft glow.

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