Chapter Fifteen -Tomorrow's Yesterdays-

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Sans stood in the fogged-up restroom, thoughts zooming through his mind, something inside his soul felt so conflicted. He had just lost someone close to him an irreplaceable friendship and a possible relationship. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily it's been a full week, he should be over this, but he can't stop the endless thoughts that enter his head. Maybe he should just lay this hope he has down to rest. Outer isn't coming back, their relationship won't fix magically, it's not just some story. He took in a deep shaky breath. He has others he doesn't need to fix himself on Outer. He doesn't need someone who can't hold his hand through this, he doesn't need someone who will weigh him down throughout this.

He gripped onto the small sink counter and opened his eyes. He was met with his pitiful reflection in the foggy mirror, his eyes widened at the sight of tears that had built up. He loosened his grasp on the poor bathroom counter and reached up wiping the fog from the glass. His face more visible in the water streaked glass. He looked awful, bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep, large tired eye lights, and the years the testing and stress has taken off his life etched into his bones. He could only look away from his reflection, maybe he was the coward, asking for someone to walk him to his death hand in hand.

No one needed to do that with him, he won't ask someone to lay down with him and watch him die. He couldn't do that so why should someone half to do that for him, he stepped away from the counter and grabbed a large black shirt, the band name 'BIRD SKULLS' written in large bold letters across the chest. He looked down at the shirt and how it seemed to fall to his knees, well that's to be expected seeing as how Feather is one of the taller Sans' next to G, or rather Gaster Sans and a few others. He grabbed some shorts and slipped those on as well replacing the towel he wore.

He opened the door and walked out, he was met with the same child that had, left the day he fell asleep at the hospital with Feather. He smiled softly; they were sat on his bed playing with another box of band-aids. But this time instead of wearing the straight jacket he had seen him in, he wore something cuter. He was in black tights with sneakers, baby blue overalls with a bright orange undershirt, the cute part of the outfit was the fact he was wearing a sleeveless sweater-like top, almost like a poncho but shorter. It was bright yellow with the faded white design of a cat drawn onto the shirt. A black beanie with a cat pin stapled into the side rested on his skull. His arms were covered in band-aids and so were his cheeks. He looked almost like a dancing rainbow with all those different colored band-aids.

The child looked up hearing the door open, a large smile grew on his once concentrated face. "Mister!" He squealed and bounced on the hospital bed in pure excitement his eyes sparkling with wonder. Sans giggled at this and walked over to him sitting on the end of the bed across from him.

"Just call me Classic." He hummed in a soft but slightly scratchy voice, the child brightened at t this and shifted in their spot.

"Call me Asy! Asy!" Asy squealed and raised the box princess band-aids in the air, he started to scratch at his arms out of excitement, little notches started to form in the bone from the scratching. Asy blinked in confusion as Sans gently grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his arms.

"Careful Asy, don't hurt yourself." He whispered and patted his skull as he let go of his hands, Asy only smiled at him and grabbed at the box of band-aids he dropped on the bed as soon as he started scratching.

"Where is Mister Birdy?" He asked looking around in confusion his bouncing on the bed stopped as he slapped another band-aid on his arm. Sans' smile widened and giggled softly, he looked around the room, in the past week Feather had brought a few things, along with Blue, Red, Paps, Medic, and Ink's family to make the place feel more roomie. It wasn't fully decorated but it looked so much better. He loved the flowers that sat on the bedside table from Blue and Red, the colorfully patched blanket that was made by Ink and PJ. The dark blue pillow made out of Error's strings, The nice new slippers since he lost his in the mess of his room that Medic got him, and finally the picture book Paps brought him to look through when he was bored, and Feather, he brought him all kinds of music to listen to on a small MP3 player and different kinds of books to read. The books lived in the drawer of the bedside table with the picture book, he looked back at Asy and hummed.

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