Chapter Eleven -Job and Kisses-

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Last night had been quite the emotional rollercoaster with him and Papyrus but things were better for now. They had at least worked some things out now and the tension wasn't so bad anymore. After that, Papyrus had asked if he knew what jobs he was looking for, Sans managed to get Blues help in getting a job at the cafe they had visited. Tomorrow would be the interview, which was Blues almost instant response. He also got a few texts from Outer and they ended up chatting for a while. 

After an hour of texting back and forth Outer and Sans agreed to meet up at the local park in Sans' AU on Thursday, today was Tuesday and tomorrow would be Wednesday. Hopefully, all went well, and he and Outer didn't have to cancel on their plans like what had happened many times before. Sans quickly went to bed after taking some medicine, excited for the new day to start. Who knows maybe his luck would start to change with his new job and things would go his way for once.


Sans stood in front of the mirror in Blue's room looking himself up and down trying to assess his new outfit. He could see Blue beaming behind him in the mirror as Sans flattened out his sweater a small smile on his face. He did like the little planet patch that sat on the soft colored, light green sweater. The skirt paired nicely with the sweater and didn't pop out too much or draw too much attention to him just the way he liked it. The skirt was a light gray with a plaid design to it and a black waistband that hugged his waist comfortably. Blue had given him a pretty cute outfit, to say the least, and the added stockings and boots made everything even cuter, he had black stockings that tucked under his skirt perfectly. His light grey boots had two grey buckles on it for design and added to his height only slightly. Sans did a small twirl his smile widening, he loved it and it was the kind of outfit he needed for the Cafe he was going to. He spun around to look at Blue, his movements slightly sluggish with his aching joints but he managed.

"I love it! I think this outfit will definitely help me get the job!" Sans clapped his hands together in excitement and gave Blue the biggest smile he could muster. Blue seemed to light up at this as he quickly threw his arms around Sans and hugged him. Sans winced slightly at the increased pressure on his bones, Blue slowly pulled away looking excited as ever.

"I'm so happy you like it! I picked it out with Grillby's Cafe's theme in mind! I even had Grillby help me pick out the outfit and made sure it matched your style perfectly! I even talked to Grillby for you, there's no way you can fail this!" Blue bounced in excitement, the largest smile on his face, his baggy baby blue sweater bunched up in his little gloved hands, and his black denim jeans had the cuffs folded neatly as to show off his baby blue tennis shoes. Blue looked adorable, to say the least, it was also a huge comfort to know he had a friend there for him if he needed it. Sans giggled softly and nodded confidently, giving Blue a quick high five they both left the room ready to go to the Cafe!

Sans stopped at the front door and waited for Red and Blue to say their goodbyes, he smiled at the couple as they gave each other a quick kiss and muttered sweet words to one another before they parted. Blue opened the front door and waved to Red as him and Sans left for their busy day. Blue grabbed Sans' hand and led him to the cafe once again, skipping as he walked along the busy sidewalk street. The quiet buzz of chatter rang out peacefully, slowly drowning in the sound of cars rushing by, zooming down the street to their destinations or the next stoplight. The smell of street food filled the air, small food carts stood proudly on the sides of the sidewalk, young monster and humans trying to spark interest in others to check their food out. 

It was the early morning the sun just now rising from its slumber, casting a beautiful pink and blue hue over the city. Store signs and city lights flashing all their respective colors, it was a picture-perfect scene, shame he didn't have a camera on him. Blue weaved through the busy sidewalk with easy dragging Sans behind him as he walked, the cute and cozy Cafe soon coming into view. It sat on a street corner, the building really seemed to just fit with all the other bright colored stores, but at the same time popped out with its peaceful and cute aesthetic.

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