Chapter Fourteen -Falling Into a Feathery Embrace-

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The Cafe didn't seem as busy today, it was quieter and only a few people seemed to linger inside. Soft, hushed chatter filled the silence of the peaceful Cafe. The sun was just barely kissing the horizon good night as it settled itself down for the night. A few stars were already shining dimly in the fading blue sky. Letting the fairy lights of the Cafe shine brightly, Outer slowly entered the shop a bag in hand. Mindy's Sandwiches was written out on the paper bag. The door made a soft creaking sound as Outer slowly pushed the door open, drawing the attention of a tall feathered skeleton. Outer looked around the shop in confusion seemingly looking for someone. He sighed softly and walked up the counter, he smiled when greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey 'dere lad, good see'n 'ya again. What brings 'ya 'ere?" He asked softly and leaned back, slumping lazily. His feathers seemed to bristle slightly as his wings kept refolding neatly on his back seeming quite uncomfortable. Outer tilted his head in confusion and looked passed the taller skeleton trying to see into the back.

"Feather, right? I uhm, is Classic here. I brought him some food." Outer lifted the sandwich bag, and gently set it on the counter in front of him. Feather seemed to tense and sighed heavily, he looked behind him for a moment before looking back at Outer.

"I 'taught 'dey told 'ya already. 'm sorry Outer but 'da lass is in 'da 'his-'pital." His ancient seemed to thicken in his uneasiness. He gave Outer a saddened look and slumped further. Outer looked at Feather for a moment then sighed heavily he closed his eyes.

"He hasn't been there, long right?" Outer asked hopefully, Feather seemed to bristle at the question.

"I don't 'now much lad. Swirl only 'dus so much." Feather spoke softly and stood up straight, as Outer nodded and quickly snatched the bag off the counter. He quickly stepped towards the door and threw it open. The bell in front of the door ringing viciously. Outer looked back at Feather and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks, Feather." He then quickly left and pulled out his phone as he sped walked down the sidewalk. He dialed a familiar number and held the phone to his nonexistent ear. After a few rings, someone answered the phone seeming slightly annoyed as they spoke.

"Hey Ink."


The hospital was as lonely and quiet as ever, at least the part never seemed to change unlike his tests every day. Sans sighed and pushed himself into his hospital bed pulling up the blanket the covered his small frame. He just wanted to sleep but every time he's closed his eyes they just seemed to flutter back open. Sans huffed softly and rolled onto his side looking out into the hall through the large window that was poorly covered by old white blinds. He closed his eyes again and tried to keep them closed. He only managed to do this for a few moments before he heard a shuffling at his door.

He opened his eyes and looked at the door in slowly sat up in gentle surprise looking at his new visitor in shock. They panted and took in deep, greedily breathes trying to get in as much oxygen as possible. "Outer?" His voice came of scratchy and low, he seemed exhausted and sitting up only made him dizzy.

"Classic, oh gosh, you had me so worried. Why didn't you call me?" Outer panted as he slowly made his way into the room gently shutting the once open door behind him. He grabbed a lone chair sitting in a corner and dragged it over settling it close to Sans' bedside. He slowly sat down and smiled at Sans tiredly.

"I-...I didn't have my phone. I'm sorry Outer." Sans spoke in a quiet tone trying not to use his voice too much. He smiled softly at the tired out skeleton and laid back down, as the world has started to spin, and he could only wish for it to stop. He sighed heavily and placed a cold hand to his head. Outer gave him a worried look and around for a moment.

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