Chapter Ten -Building Stress-

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Hey guys! Thank you all for waiting so patiently for me to update! I really appreciate it! As a reward for waiting so long, I made sure to write a long chapter for you guys to enjoy!

The word count clocking at a good 3,314 words!

So I hope you enjoy thank you all again!

Oh and I don't know if it told you guys, but I edited the chapters! So if you wanna check those out you can!


The short cancer plagued skeleton sat on the couch, reading his joke book for about the twentieth time. Flicking through the pages trying to find anything that might interest him, he was starting to get bored of doing this every day. Sitting at home, doing nothing, going nowhere, not really talking to anyone. As much as he used to love it, he started to resent it now, just wanting something to besides, cleaning, reading, and watching TV. He wanted to go out somewhere and do something with someone! He sighed and closed his book setting it on the little table that sat next to the couch. He just wishes Papyrus would let him work or something, that way he at least had something to do with all this time! He groaned and slumped on the couch; he’s never been so bored in his life. He looked around the empty house and started to daydream, what would it be like to have kids? Little ones running around the house and causing a ruckus and a husband that would come home and greet him with a kiss. He smiled softly at that the thought, that would be nice to finally settle down with someone and have a family. He was quickly jolted out of his thoughts with the loud sound of knocking on his front door. He glanced at the time, then at the door in confusion, it was sort of late for people to be knocking on his door. He grunted, whatever it’s something to do at least. He pushed himself up from the couch and trotted over to the door, he unlocked it and slowly opened the door. Peeking through the crack he made in the door he lit up when he saw who it was. 

“Blue!” Sans cheered as he threw the door open and greeted the blue-clad skeleton with a hug. The skeleton simply laughed and hugged him back with the same bright smile as always.

“Hey, Classic! It’s been a while!” Blue greeted and walked into the house as soon as Sans invited him inside, he looked around in awe of the place and how clean it was. “ house isn’t even this clean, impressive,” Blue muttered and glanced at Sans who seemed terribly bored with the idea of how clean his house was. 

“Yeah, I’ve had a lot of spare time, so I thought I might as well clean.” Sans glanced around the house taking note of what he would have to clean later, Blue hummed and spun around to look at Sans.

“Well, Red has been wanting to try out his new barbeque and make something, and he won’t be home until late, so, would you like to go do something!” Blue cheered, Sans quickly lit up at the idea.

“Yeah! But what would but do?” Sans cocked his head to the side in thought, Blue looked around thinking about everything they could do.

“How about we go get coffee, just me and you! It’s been way too long since we’ve had just some time to ourselves.” Blue giggled and stepped towards the door, “How about we go to my AU, they have the best coffee after all.”

Sans took in a breath to argue that statement but quickly closed his mouth, Blue was kind of right after all. He shrugged and followed Blue outside who quickly opened a portal to his AU, Sans was sort of jealous that he could do that. Blue being a part of the ‘Star Sans’ meant he could open portals wherever he wanted whenever he wanted. They quickly left through the portal that closed behind them just as they entered. Blue looked around the street bustling with life, monsters and humans alike. He hummed and watched as people came and went walking and out of shops, talking loudly with their friends. He missed this, the bustle and hustle of the city and all its beauty. He was snapped out of his thoughts yet again by Blue, “Found it!” He didn’t even have time to respond as Blue took ahold of his hand and dragged him through the crowd to the coffee shop.

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