Author's Note

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Hey everyone! I just want to update a quick explanation about this story.

To be honest, yes...this is based on a true story. Personally, it's mine. But I don't have cancer, it's just a symbolic of how my feelings eventually faded towards the guy  (who's name isn't actually Jay) and I didn't die, but I had moved on. Yeah I know it's a lame story but I wrote it just as a reminder of what I've done a few years ago, when I was fifteen. A reminder of how strong I was to finally move on. I don't actually know how he feels though, the epilogue was just an addition. Pfft, my own imaginary thought of how he feels after I had moved on.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this not so best book of mine. Do read Mya Was Dared, it isn't completed yet but it would really be a motivational move if you give some previews and some votes.

Thank you!

Much love,

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