3: My plan

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Hey fluffy, So I'm going to start the countdown today. Today is the 1st of February and this mission will end on the 13th which was Jay's birthday. He's going to throw a huge party in his backyard...Invited or not, I won't miss it for the world. Besides, I don't have much time in this world anyway.

During this 13 days, I will write to him each day a random note. Each note would be as special as the others. Then on his birthday, I'll give him the last one.

I gave him the first note today. I had put it in his locker. I hope he sees it though.

Wish me luck.

Bye cookies.

First Note:

" Hey Jay. I saw you yesterday at the field. Why are you so damn good at football? Can you teach me sometimes? *smiles*

- I "

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