6: Hospital

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Hey Fluffy, it's Saturday! I went to the hospital today. After doing some check up, the doctor insisted me to stay home for the week. But I wasn't even sick! plus I need to complete this mission. If my time was getting nearer, then I shouldn't be wasting my time in home. I want to waste my time in school with Jay.

I told mom I wasn't going to stay at home all day, it would make me even sicker. Her response was only a nod. But I took it as a "yes you can go to school dear".

On my way back from the hospital, I asked mom to stop by Jay's house. Thus, I slipped the forth note through the doorway. *Finger crossing* I hope he sees it before his dog tears it into pieces.

Oh and by the way, I'm not going to do an entry tomorrow, because it's sunday and sundays are my favorite days. Hence I'm just going to relax and enjoy my day.

Okay bye cookies.

Forth note:

"Hey Jay, I didn't saw you today. Pretty sad though. Have you ever thought about your teeth? It so vampire like...cool.

p/s - Oh I love your dog, such a cutie. He barked me when I sent this.

- Y "

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