9: Pale as a ghost

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Hey Fluffy, I felt off today...my head hurts as hell this morning but that didn't stop me to go to school.

I saw Jay today, we locked eyes you know! but unfortunately he glared at me.. I don't know why.. but with that, he left, leaving me standing there nonetheless puzzled. It do hurts and I know he was being rude, but I just don't have enough energy to care anymore.


anyway, I left the seventh note on his desk during recess.

I'm sorry fluffy, I can't write longer entry for today... I just feel so weak.

Okay bye cookies.

Seventh Note :

"Hey Jay, I am so happy for you!

you're gonna turn 17 in 6 more days! It's been years of crushing you know, I don't know if you'll ever notice me though.

- R"

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