1: Dear Diary

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Hey book-I-just-bought-from-the-supermarket-last-night. So, I decided to write a diary before I leave since I got cancer and all. pfftt

Anyway, if you're reading this mom, please don't laugh. Don't burn this after I died, I want you to give this to someone...who I will mention later.

So..diary ... I think I should call you a shorter name cause your current name is just playin' weird. I guess I'm going for Fluffy yeah... Cause I love fluffy stuff. what? You like that? alrighty then. Fluffy it is.

Heh anyway I just saw Jay today. He's really dreamy you know. His hair was a little messy but who cares? He was still as handsome as always. The way he smiles enchantes me.

School was boring.

Okay bye cookies.

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