5: Laughter

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Hey Fluffy, school was boring as always. Don't even get me started on algebra.

Anyway, Jay made a huge joke of himself today but he still looks cool though.

When I walked to the canteen today, I saw a massive crowd of students were formed in the centre of the canteen, circling both Jay and Traver who battle danced as the beatboxers beatboxed some pretty cool street music to lighten up the event. Heh, he lost though but it's so weird to see he geninuely laughed with the crowd as Traver proudly continued his silly dance.

Jay was really something.

Oh and about the third note, I asked Traver to deliver it for me anonymously. *Finger crossing*

Okay bye cookies.

Third note:

"Hey Jay, what is it with your laugh that sounds so right in my ears?

- M "

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