8: Mom

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Hey Fluffy, today wasn't as good as yesterday's. I saw mom cried when I passed her bedroom earlier. Maybe it has to do with my check up result. I don't know... but I guess I should write something nice for her for today's entry.

Hey Mom,

I don't know if you're reading this or not...but I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much, I really do. Thank you for cooking so many kinds of delicious meals for me... and thank you so much for pouring your love over me. I had never felt so loved in my life! (even if you scolded me sometimes heh).

I know Dad didn't stayed that long for us to be a family but cheer up! He's always there looking down at us...

And sooner or later I would follow his steps too, I'm sorry. Someday, we will be a family again. I don't know how or when but maybe just maybe if we have faith.. that day will come.

Take care Mom.


Kels your supergirl.

*sighs* Such a touching letter, don't you think Fluffy? sobsobsob.

Anyway, about the sixth note.. I had pinned it on his locker before covering my action by heading straight to the girls' washroom.

I feel like an undercover spy. Weepeee!

Okay bye cookies.

Sixth Note:

"Hey Jay, have you ever notice how girls look at you? Those googly eyes they made whenever you passed them? Sometimes it pissed me off.

- U"

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