Chapter 1

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"This is it Em, choose who you want. I can't deal with the games anymore. Im sure Ali is tired of it too." Paige says warily to me. Ali smirks, and winks at me. I blush remembering Tuesday.

"So em, who do you choose?" Alison says and crossed her arms. I gulp . I love Ali, she was my first love, and will always be my love.

But then, while Ali was away I also started something with Paige. Ali and Paige both have their good and bad, but I love one more.

"I've made my decision." I tell both of the girls that I love. Paige looks nervous, Alison looks kind of nervous, but she still had her signature smirk on her face.

The same smirk that she taunted me with before, I think. I hurriedly push the thought away.

"Come on em, we don't have all day," says Paige. I take a deep breath, my heart pounding with anticipation. She looks at me with hope.

"Paige-" I am interrupted by Paige running up to me. She hugs me tight. "I knew it!" She screams. "I love you too em!" She says and tries to kiss me. I don't say anything.

"Emily, w-what's wrong?" She asked.

"Umm, I said your name because I was going to tell you how I feel about you first... But you cut me off." All the hope, happiness, and joy jumps off her face faster than lightning can strike. Then she turns bright red.

"O-oh...." she stammers and turns around.

Alison's face is red with withheld laughter. "Ali! Cut it!" I say to her.

Man, I shouldn't have did it that way, I thought guiltily to myself. Ali stopped laughing, but she kept chuckling to herself,

"Okay, paige. I Love you." Ali stops chuckling, it's serious now.

"I love you, I really do. You are sweet and we started something and you showed me a good time. You were there when I lost maya... and you loved me. We might not have started out on a great foot, but now, I'm glad we had something." I take a deep breath. "something real," I finish.

Paige has tears running down her face. "I love you too em, with all my heart. with every breath I take. With everything! I can't stand this right now but I'll respect what you choose and I'll always love you and I'll always be here for you. You are my hero, I'll never forget what we had. Ever emily.. never ever."

Tears come down my face too.

Paige pov

I love Emily fields so much. She was my 1st, she was the one who brought me out. I can't lose her. if I do, I will lose myself. I don't know what I would do if I can't text and call her and say 'I love you', If I can't kiss her and hold her hand and call her mine... I cant, I just cant.

Emily pov

"Alison," I start. Alison gulps. "Ali, you were my 1st love. I love you. I have always loved you even before I came out. I always wanted to be around you and I was so excited when you picked me as your friend. I know that you were gone, and  you played with my emotions, but my love for you is more than I can explain. I love you. I love you Ali."

Alison has tears brimming her beautiful blue eyes. She wipes them away before they can fall.

"Emily I'm sorry for how I treated you. You've always been so transparent and I've always pushed you away because honestly, I couldn't express my love for you. I didn't know how and I was trying to convince myself that I didn't like you, you were a girl and I was a girl. I've never felt the way I feel with you with anyone else.

"I played with your heart and I'm sorry. I could've had you a long time ago and I'm sorry I'm waiting until now to get you. Now I've put you in a position to choose between two people you love. But just know... whatever you do.. I will love you and only you forever. I have and I always will. You bring out the best in me. I'm serious. I truly love you more than anything."

I can't take this. I brake down. "I love you both! It hurts me to say this but I choose Ali."

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