Little One part 8 - Bellamy Blake x Reader

Start from the beginning

"We need to run. " Bellamy told me. I nodded and started running in the same direction that he was running in. They surrounded us, in all but one direction.

"I can't run much longer." I heard Jasper yell. Bellamy stopped running and told us that he's sick of running, he wants to fight them.

"What are you doing. " Finn asked him

"They know where she is. " Bellamy answered him.

Roma, a girl from our group, continued running, trying to find her boyfriend, Diggs. We all followed her because we couldn't let her go alone.

We saw Diggs dead; he was killed by one of their traps.

"They were leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in." Jasper said.

"Hey, where they'd go? They're gone." Finn pointed out.

"After Roma." Bellamy said. We ran after Roma, she was alone, she had no chance of fighting all of them.

When we found her, it was too late. She had a spear in her chest, but she wasn't as lucky as Jasper was.

"They are playing with us. " Finn said.

"They can kill us whenever they want. " I said.

"Then they should get it over with!" Jasper yelled as loud as he could. "Come on, we know you're out there. If you want to kill us, do it already." 

Finn tried to shut him up, but it didn't work. We saw grounders coming out from the bushes and from the trees, this time they were in every direction. Before they could get to us, we heard a horn. As soon as they heard the horn they ran off.

"What does the horn mean?" Jasper asked.

"Acid fog. " I answered him.

Everybody pulled out a tent from their bags. Bellamy made it clear that everybody had to have a tent with them at all times, this was the reason why. Everybody had a tent except me. I never listened to Bellamy's orders, now I wish I had. I didn't know what to do, if I stayed outside, I would die, but I didn't have anywhere else to go.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me under one of the tents. When I looked up it was Bellamy. We were laying on the ground, the tent was covering us. We didn't have much room; our arms were touching.

"I told you to bring a tent. Why didn't you?" He said to me.

"I don't take orders from you, Bellamy."

"If you were alone here you would die."

"That would be my problem, not yours. " I told him.

"Of course it would be my problem, it would be everyone's problem. We can't survive without you." He told me. I don't think he meant to say it that way. I don't think he meant to sound like he cared.

I didn't know what to say, the thought that he really cares about me made me think. For some reason, I liked the thought of him caring about me. To be honest, I cared about him too. I didn't want to show it because there were more important things than expressing my feelings. Things like keeping everyone alive, contacting the Ark, etc.

"I'll bring a tent next time. " I said quietly.

"I'm sorry about your dad, (Y/N)."

"Me too, but like I said he wasn't a good person."

"But he was still your dad." I looked at him and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I never told anyone about what my dad did, now that he's gone there is no reason to hide it. I want Bellamy to know about my history, I didn't know why but I trusted him.

"The reason I attacked my dad is-." Bellamy interrupted me.

"You don't have to tell me, (Y/N). I know this must be hard for you."

"I want you to know, Bellamy." I looked him in the eyes, waiting for approval. He nodded.

"The reason I attacked him is.... he was the reason my mom was floated." I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I continued talking. "My dad used to steal stuff like medicine, food, water. He used to give them to women who were pregnant, people who were injured but have already had their share of medicine, or your mother." When I told him that, he was shocked. On his face, I could see that he wanted to know more.

"He used to give food, water, and medicine to your mother, for Octavia. That's how I knew your story."

"My mom told me that she had a friend that would give Octavia food. That was your dad?" When he said that I nodded.

"Anyway, chancellor Jaha found out. He thought it was my mother who was doing it because she was a doctor, so she had access to the medicine. They arrested her and floated her, and my father didn't say anything. He just let them float her." By this time, I was already crying.

Bellamy pulled me in a tight hug. "I'm sorry."

Next two minutes we were both quiet. He was trying to process what I told him, and I was just overthinking, like always. I felt someone uncover us, they removed the tent. Bellamy and I covered our faces with our hands.

"There's no fog." Finn said. I removed my hands from my face. He was right, there was no sign of the fog.

"Maybe it was a false alarm." Finn continued.

"They are coming back." I told them. I saw a grounder running.

"I think he's alone. " Jasper said.

"He doesn't see us. I'm going after him." Bellamy was right, he wasn't running in our direction.

"And then what? Kill him?" I asked him.

"No. Catch him. Make him tell us where Octavia is." He stood up and started going in the same direction that the grounder was going in. All four of us followed him.

We followed the grounder to a hole in the ground, he went in it. We gave it a few seconds and went after him. It was a narrow staircase, it was dark. Bellamy went in first, when he got to the end of the staircase he went into a little room. Octavia was in there, chained to a wall. A man, the grounder, was lying unconscious on the ground.

Bellamy hurried in to unchain his sister. I looked at the man's body, his head was bleeding. I kneeled to check his pulse.

"Don't, he may not be unconscious." Bellamy told me.

"I need to check if he's alive, Bellamy."

I put my fingers on his neck, looking for a pulse.

"He's alive." I informed everyone.

"We should go before he wakes up." Octavia told us.

"He's not going to wake up." Bellamy said. He took a spear that was on the ground. Octavia was begging her brother not to kill him, he didn't care, he wanted revenge.

 Finn was kneeling by the body; he was looking through all the stuff the grounder had with him.

"Foghorn." Finn said. It was the horn that they blew when the acid fog was coming. He saved us, he saved Octavia.

"He helped us, Bellamy. He didn't hurt your sister, I'm not letting you kill him." I told him.

At that moment the grounder turned around and attacked Finn, the grounder was going for the heart. I pushed Finn out the way, but not far enough. He stabbed Finn and he had cut my arm.

This resulted in a fight. Grounder had Bellamy pinned to the floor, he was holding a spear to Bellamy's throat. He would've killed Bellamy if Jasper didn't knock him out.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Bellamy asked me. I nodded, "It's just a minor cut." 


We got Finn in the dropship as fast as we could. Clarke and I knew that we were not able to save him, not alone at least. Raven was working on the radio to call the Ark. With help of Clarke's mom, we could save Finn.

Little One - Bellamy Blake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now