'You're right.'

'I'm always right,' Nora says, flipping her dark brown curls back.

'How are things with you and Isaac?' I ask then. It's been a while since I heard any updates from her side. Nora's face immediately falls and she stares at the ground. That can't be good.

'That's over,' she murmurs.

'What?!' I instantly sit up straight. 'Why?'

'He said he doesn't feel it,' she explains.

'What?' I ask confused. 'I thought he liked you.'

'Yeah, well, not so much,' Nora says. 'But I really liked him and I thought I finally found someone for me.'

'There are plenty of boys out there,' I say to Nora, grabbing her hand. 'The one for you is somewhere.'

'Yeah, in Australia maybe,' Nora sighs.

'Hey, don't give up yet,' I say. 'You'll find someone. You're still young.'

'Liv, he said he wasn't interested anymore because I'm so closed off,' Nora whispers. I know that's a barrier for most guys, but I thought Isaac was different. He genuinely seemed interested in her. I could tell he liked her.

'Nora, maybe you should just trust him and open up,' I mumble. 'I mean, Isaac seems like a genuine guy with the right intentions. I know it's hard for you, but just try. You can't keep it a secret forever.'

'I know,' she mumbles as she wipes the tears in her eyes away. 'But I don't know if I'm ready to tell him.'

'Then don't, yet,' I say. 'But at least tell him what's going on. Tell him you're not ready to give yourself entirely to him because of what happened in the past, but that you'll try to open up to him.'

'What if he doesn't want to be with me after I told him?' Nora mumbles. 'What if I scare him off?'

'Nor, you can't do anything about the fact your dad couldn't keep his hands to himself. Why would Isaac run away because of that? I know that Isaac respects women.'

'You're right,' Nora says as she gets up. 'I need to talk to him.'

'Go get your man,' I smile as she puts her shoes and jacket on. She smiles back and then she leaves. I hope those two will be okay. I know they're into each other.

I sigh as I look around the room. My father is staying at a hotel for a couple of days and my mother is currently at a friend's. So I decide to text Caleb.

[08.45 PM]

Hey, do you wanna come over?

[08.46 PM]

On my way x

I smile as I place my phone back on the table. I hate being alone at night, so I'm glad Caleb is on his way. When I left this morning, we didn't really talk. Mostly because we had to be quiet since I don't want to meet his parents yet. So I quietly left the house.

Minutes later I hear the doorbell ring, so I get up and walk towards the front door. As soon as I opened it I'm welcomed by a hug from Caleb.

'Hey,' he greets me.

'Hey.' I pull him into the house and close the door behind him.

'Aren't your parents home?' Caleb asks me and I shake my head.

'My father is at a hotel and my mother is at her friend's. She won't be here until at least midnight,' I explain. Caleb nods and takes his shoes and jacket off.

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