Chapter thirty

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"You've been through hell, but you're still my angel."



"Shhhhh," Rae whispers furiously, warning Jess and Trevor with her eyes while they keep bickering.

"For fucks sake, Trevor!" Jess yells at him, and the guests sitting infront of us whip their heads around to glare at them. "You don't have to tell me that. I know I'm not supposed to drink while I'm pregnant!"

"I'm just reminding you," Trevor mumbles before throwing an apologetic glance to the furious guests.

"I can control myself! I won't do anything to hurt our baby." She huffs and crosses her arms.

"It won't be easy for you to stay away from alcohol, Jessica. I'm just trying to make sure--"

"I'm not stupid. I won't--"

"Remember where you are," I cut her off, leaning towards them. "You'll continue this later."

Trevor nods in agreement, and Jess rolls her eyes.

The music suddenly stops, and all heads turn to face the far end of the walk. As the opening to the bridal chorus start to play, Shelley starts walking down the aisle with an old man who seems to be her dad. She really is a beautiful bride. Her appearance has changed so much that I almost can't recognize her. Her blond hair is dyed brown now, and it's also shorter and curlier. She's wearing a strapless wedding dress and holding a rose bouquet in her hands.

She glances at us as she passes by, and gives us a huge smile. Rae smiles back and waves, while I give a short nod.

Shelley's father lets her go as they reach the bottom step, where her husband-to-be is waiting with a smile. The music fades, and the preacher steps up to the microphone, Bible in hand.

"Cherished family members and honored guests, I would like to thank each of you for coming out this morning," he says with a smile, and his voice is carried to either side of the podium through the small speakers. "Let us begin by offering thanks to the Lord on this wonderful day."

After we all bow our heads and the prayer is over, he leads them through their vows. When it's time for the ring exchange, a little boy dressed in a blue tuxedo walks up and hands the groom a ring. And after he slips it on Shelley's finger, she also does the same by taking a ring from a little girl dressed in pink.

After the preacher pronounces them husband and wife, they share a kiss and he holds up his hands, making us stand up.

As Shelley and her new husband leave the gazebo, arms linked and an identical smile on their faces, the best man, maid of honour, the groomsmen and bridesmaids follow behind them. They all stop near the end of the walk, and family and guests file down, pausing for hugs and kisses to congratulate the newly weds.

Shelley waves at us, and Rae holds my hand as she starts walking towards them. I glance back to see Jess and Trevor following us.

"Rae!" Shelly smiles, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so happy to see you."

They pull apart and Shelley gives me a hug as well. "How are you guys?"

"We're great. This is Jess, Kyle's sister, and her fiancé Trevor." Rae gestures to them.

Shelley shakes their hands with a smile and turns to her husband, who's been thanking some guests as they congratulate him. "Dave, meet Rae and Kyle."

He turns to us and smiles. "Hi, nice to meet you."

"Nice to finally meet you too," Rae says as we take turns to shake his hand.

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