Chapter four

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"I want to live in the deepest parts of your mind where all the bad thoughts are so I can stop them like a dreamcatcher before you feel them."



It's been a few hours since we got home and Rae has been quiet ever since we left the police station. I took a day off from work to stay with her but I couldn't be able to distract her.

We're on the couch, and I'm lying down with my head rested on her lap. She's absently running her fingers through my hair, and we've been quiet for a while.

The doorbell suddenly rings, and I get up to open the door. She barely moves. It's Trevor and Jess as I expected.

"Where's Rae?" is the first thing that comes out of her mouth.

I motion to the living room, and she rushes to Rae while I greet Trevor with a quick hug.

We walk into the living room and see them hugging each other while standing next to the couch. Rae hasn't shed a single tear after she cried this morning before we went to the police station, but I know the pain she feels won't lessen any time soon.

"I wanted to come right away when you told me yesterday, but Jess wasn't home and it was too dark when she got back..." Trevor explains to me.

Jess pulls away as soon as she hears this, and Rae sits back on the couch.

"Wait, he knew?" Jess asks, glancing at Trevor.

"Kyle called me last night," he tells her quietly.

"You knew about this, and you waited 'till now to tell me?"

"You were drunk, Jessica." He uses her full name like he always does when he's annoyed at her.

"What about this morning then, huh?"

"You slept in."

"Oh really? I didn't know that. Thanks for informing me, Trev."

"We're here for Rae. Don't start now," Trevor warns, irritated.

"I'm not starting anything, it's all your fault. You pick a fight with me every chance you get!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? I'm the one picking a fight every chance I get?"

She throws her hands up in the air as if saying it's obvious, and he keeps quiet.

"Why am I even trying so hard to make you understand when you clearly don't want to," she mutters, shaking her head. "God I'm so dumb."

"Well, can't argue on that," he spits.

"Oh yeah? Argue with this, asshole!" She swings her fist to his face, but he's quick enough to catch it.

Jess can be violent at times, and it's understandable because she became that way after spending three years of her life in a bad environment. The Jess I knew for the first fifteen years of her life was the sweetest girl ever, and wouldn't lay a finger on any living thing let alone her boyfriend. But I know deep down her heart is still pure.

"Are you guys gonna start this now?" I say calmly, and guilt flashes across their faces as they glance at me.

Trevor lets go of her hand and she steps back. "Sorry," they say in unison and glance at each other again.

Jess walks over to the couch and sits down next to Rae. She leans on her shoulder and holds her hand which has been resting on her lap. "It's okay, Rae. You've been through a lot. You'll get through this too, okay?"

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