Chapter twenty-four

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"Time may heal all wounds but it does not erase the scars."



It's getting dark. Kyle and I are watching TV after eating dinner.

I told him everything that Peter told me yesterday. About how my grandparents murdered someone and spent years in jail, and how his parents wanted to take revenge on them by hurting their family, which meant their only daughter, my mom. It was too much to take in, it was all so sudden and unexpected. And I can't stop thinking about my grandparents. But I understand why Mom wanted to hide this from me. She was trying to protect me like any mother would've done for her child.

I had been feeling awful by the time I got home, but the sight of Kyle talking with his mom brought a smile to my face. Martha had called me while I was in the police station, and I hadn't picked up because Peter was in the middle of explaining everything to me. I had been planning to text her after I got home, so finding her here surprised me.

Kyle and I hadn't talked about her after he told me he was trying to keep the promise he made me, and I didn't pressure him for more information. I can see they're making progress and that's all that matters. I didn't expect him to forgive her right away anyway.

A talent show is just starting by the time the doorbell rings. We glance at each other and just like always Kyle goes to open it. I keep watching the show, but then what I hear next makes me whip my head towards the door in shock. I see Jess sobbing, throwing herself into Kyle's arms and almost knocking him down to the floor.

"Jess?" I ask, my heartbeat picking up in speed as I approach them. "What happened?"

She keeps sobbing into his chest, giving no indication that she heard my question. Kyle and I share a confused look as he starts leading her to the couch.

"Jess, what is it?" he asks, still holding her close. "Did you have a fight with Trevor?"

She pulls back and sniffs, but tears keep streaming down her face. "This isn't just a fight. It's over."

I sit next to her and rub her back, trying to sooth her. "There's no way it's over, Jess. You guys have gone through a lot, and you always worked things out."

"No, Rae, you don't get it." Jess shakes her head, struggling to see me through her tears. "He hates me now."

"What happened?" Kyle asks her.

"I'm pregnant," she states, grimacing at the word.

Kyle and I just blink at her for a moment, look at each other, and then blink at her again.

"Jess, why is Trevor mad about that?" I ask her slowly, frowning in confusion.

"Because," she cries, "I told him I'd get an abortion."

The three of us sit in silence for a moment, the only sound being her constant sniffing. We know how much Trevor wants to start a family with her, and it'd be hard for him to forgive her if she got in the way of his dream of becoming a dad. But at the same time this is the kind of thing both of them need to agree on. It's her body and it's her decision as much as it's his. I wouldn't want her to be pressured into doing something she doesn't want to do. If she decides to never have children, I'll absolutely support her.

Kyle hugs her from the side as she continues to cry. Eventually she calms down and pulls away, and I go into the kitchen to bring her a glass of water.

"It's not that I don't want a baby," she blurts out after taking a sip.

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