Chapter 37🌲Disappearance

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↪I made a new cover and just AHHHH his eyes UwU↩

↪I made a new cover and just AHHHH his eyes UwU↩

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The two of you were at it again.

Inosuke continuously stared at the door that stood in the way of you, him and the man. His hand itched at his side, trying to satisfy the need to slam open the door and rip the man's weak head off his even weaker twig neck. You told him to calm his raging hormones down, though he had no clue what you were talking about, yet dared to do the same thing that angered him once again. He didn't understand why you couldn't just say no and leave the man in the dust, if he was in your place he would've shut the male down before he could even ask to buy him off. 

Inosuke leaned back  onto the wall and crossed his arms further, driving his painted nail (You forced him to sit there for two hours and let you paint them blue last night. In return, he tried to paint your nails and ended covering your fingers in black paint) deeper into his biceps as another wave of heat hit him. How the hell do you women wear this much layers and complicated fabrics without passing out from heat stroke? Footsteps and quiet whispering brought his attention back out of grousing, peeking just out of the wall to the girls in front of another door.

"I wonder if Makio-san is okay...? She locked herself in her room and won't come out."


"Your sister is at the door again, isn't she?"

"Well... yeah, she is. Don't fret, she just doesn't like people giving me a bunch of attention, she's the protective type." That was an understatement, but you didn't dare admit that aloud. The man, who you learned was named Akako which was pretty fitting considering his red attire, shook his head in understanding, taking another sip of his tea. The comfortable silence suddenly broke with a yell and crashing, causing him to ungracefully spill the tea into his lap and you to drop all the kyogashi you tried so hard on in the morning. All most like an instinct, the both of you warriors rushed to open the door and run to the source of the noise like a cheetah after it's prey. Inosuke stood over a beaten looking man, shoulders rising and falling rapidly as he growled and panted like some sort of animal.

You regained your breath from the run, rushing to his side and grabbing his shoulders to face you. The girls around you cried frightfully, though your eyes darted between them and you frowned, using your quick thinking, "I'm sorry, this man assaulted my sister in the past. I'm taking her to the room to calm her down." Akako arrived behind you, opening his mouth to say something though you were quick to interrupt, "I'm sorry, Akako-san. It might be dangerous to leave my sister alone for rest of the night."

The man below you stirred as if wanting to confront you on your accusation, though the stern look Akako held on him was enough to submit, "I'll make sure Ogimoto bans this man, [Y/N]."

You bowed your head and bid him farewell, dragging Inosuke silently down halls and to the entrance way. Taking a look in the dark to make sure no one had followed you, you glared over at Inosuke, "The hell did you do that for? Do you realize we could've been thrown out, or worse-- what if that guy had connections and sent people after you?"

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