Chapter 15🌲Painkiller

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"[N/N]chan, wake up, we're here." 

You squinted at Zenitsu as he poked your forehead, yawning away your tiredness and nuzzling whoever you lied upon, "Where?"

"A Wisteria house; you fell asleep on Inosuke before we can inform you." Tanjirou answered before Zenitsu, knocking politely at the wooden gate and waiting.

You looked up at Inosuke, discovering that he had taken back his mask while you were asleep, "You can let me go now, Inosuke." 

He obediently dropped you, not letting you go until your feet touched the ground. You thanked him, giving him your notorious pat on the head and smile. Little footsteps alerted you back to a door, watching it open and reveal an old lady, small and frail, "I'm coming, my dears..."

"Ah, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep so late at night..." Tanjirou apologized, bowing his head.

"I-it's a monster!" Zenitsu screamed. You glared at him, punching his shoulder and leaning down to the woman's height.

She smiled faintly at you, letting you cup her hands in your own and bow your head, "I'm sorry for my friend's obliviousness. Could we stay for the night? I could help you if you need to set up a room."

"No need my dear, please come inside, come inside." You smiled and nodded, getting back up.

"She's so weak..." Inosuke murmured, poking at her surprisingly thick hair. You slapped his hand away, holding it from then on like he was a troubled child.

"This is your meal."

"These are your rooms."

Your head spun at the quickness the woman possessed, leading you to a dining room then two separated bedrooms, "I swear Tanjirou, she's a monster!" You fiercely punched Zenitsu's head to get him to shut up, smiling back at the lady and letting her continue on with the tour.

"Please, eat while I call a doctor." She politely closed the door as you four found seats around a bowl of food. You licked your lips, breaking the wooden chopsticks into two and bowing your head, itadakimasu. Starting to chow down on the food, you didn't even see the hand reach to grab a tempura off your tray until it was too late.

"Hey!" You yelped, slapping Inosuke's hand away from your food and pouting at him, "That's not for you, you know we talked about stealing off of people's plates when you were eating dinner with me and my family." Zenitsu made a choking noise and you worriedly started thumping on his back, "Hands in the air Zenchan! Hands in the air!" He put his arms up and his coughing slowed.

"You've eaten with [Y/N]-chan's family?! Tenko-sama an-and Daichi-kun and Hakaru-chan?! A-And disrespected her great elegance in front of the man who gives the final judgement in marriage?!" You turned bright red from Zenitsu's outburst, slapping the top of his head.

"Marriage? The hell is that?" Inosuke shook his head to get rid of the thought, turning to Tanjirou and foxily snatching a tempura. He shoved it in his mouth and eerily grinned, chuckling and waiting for some sort of outburst.

"Oh? Are you still hungry? You can have the rest of my tempura." Tanjirou gave Inosuke his warm smile, picking up his bowl of tempura and offering it to him. Inosuke growled, squeezing his hands into fists.

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