Chapter 34🌲The Coals of Chance

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↣The Coals of Chance↢




Inosuke was panicked. He searched the estate in it's entirety at least ten times. He checked the tree the two of you loved. He searched under the smallest pebble, under the beds and in the Butterfly girl's rooms(The triplets beat the hell out of him for it). Yet you were no where to be found. 

He hugged the two bento boxes you had packed for your 'date' or whatever you called them closer to his chest, hearing his stomach grumble. The two of you had decided to sit under your tree and eat lunch together, yet you'd never arrived. Inosuke had even resisted the urge to eat the food (Sneaking onigiri from the kitchens while searching the cupboards for you), he just wanted to do something new with you. It had seemed you had just started to perk back up the past two days, for it had already been a month since that faithful day. You were too focused on crying and moping around in your bed to really 'notice' Inosuke and to be quite frank; he had gotten sick of it. 

Inosuke was a simple man with simple fantasies: all he wanted was your attention, food and fighting. Also to be a god, that's another simple little dream. Nothing exquisite, nothing extreme. Yet you weren't here to help him fulfill those dreams. That kind of pissed him off. Perhaps when he finds you he'll make sure to eat all the food in front of your face as revenge. Hopefully that would make you mad, but not cry. He hated seeing you cry; because it meant you were sad, it meant no one could save you, it meant Inosuke had no idea what to do to make you smile. That was his favorite expression from you, your smile. Yet recently you've resorted to the constant quiet cry all night and day, slipping a blanket over your head to never be seen again until you're just to tired to continue.

"Inosuke, she'll show up, just go to sleep. I'm sick of hearing you grumble, it's midnight." Zenitsu yawned from his futon, stretching his arms over his head and peeking through one honeypot colored eye at the anxious boy. Inosuke told him to shut it, as still as ever as he sat in front of their doorway. His stomach made a noise once again and he growled in frustration. He's definitely eating all the food in front of your face, how dare you leave him alone and expect him not to eat the delicious food you make. 

Tanjirou shook his head in disapproval, crouching down next to Inosuke and patting his shoulder. The boar-headed boy jumped back from him, raising his fist as a warning. Yet all Tanjirou did was smile at him, tilting his head and whispering, "I went with her to the Rengoku house. She got that necklace and the Flame Breathing book that I told you about, remember? [Y/N]'s probably out there reading in that tree, she's done this before. Just come over to us and go to sleep, she'll come up eventually."

Inosuke pushed the boy away from him, crossing his arms and stubbornly continuing to sit in front of the door. Maybe if he caught your legs while you walked past, you'd stop? Or trip you into his arms, you said falling into a man's arms was quite 'romantic'. Jump on you when you pass by him, then he'd sit on top of you and eat the food while you struggle... that's actually hilarious to him now that he thinks about it. Then he wouldn't let you go until you cuddle him in bed. He really missed those cuddles.

Tanjirou sighed in defeat, getting up from his squatting position. He started to stalk his way back to the four futons, turning his head to look back at Inosuke. Inosuke refused to look back though, continuing to glower at the closed door. Tanjirou's shoulders sagged and he found his place back in his bedding, tugging the blankets over himself and trying to sleep.

Beast Hunter |Inosuke Hashibira|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora