Chapter 23🌲Shock Clouds Judgement

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↪Another good song to kill your ears with when reading, thank me later↩

↣Shock Clouds Judgement↢

The demon fell back when the arrow pierced it's throat. The air came back to your lungs and you gasped, clapping a hand to your chest and coughing. The beast fell against a tree, going down with it and not getting up. You squeezed your eyes shut and let your arms fall back to the cold ground, the bow sliding far in another direction. Forcing your aching eyes to open once more, you turned on your side and looked at Inosuke, as still as before. 

You dug your hands in the dirt, abandoning your bow in the dust and dragging your practically limp body towards Inosuke. His heavy breathing had you letting out a sigh of relief. He was alive. Getting on your knees (No matter how much it stung), you gently lifted Inosuke's upper body and put your other arm under his legs. You lifted him for a second, fumbling and then trying again with success. Slowly, you put one shakily leg on the ground and pushed off, falling back to your knees again helplessly. It wasn't going to work, you were far to exhausted. Letting out a sigh, you simply tugged Inosuke close to your chest and rested your body on your numbing calves. His own chest slowly raised and fell, making you smile through eyefuls of tears threatening to spill.

"Are you two alright?"

'Are you two alright?' Your face twitched and eyebrows furrowed, looking up a whatever person had come to the late rescue. "Does it look like it, you blithering idiot?" You hissed the figure coming out from the shadows.

"No." A blackette with blank blue eyes and an interesting haori walked out of the dark trees, looking down at you two blankly.

"Then there's your answer." You unintentionally bared your teeth when you snapped at him, hugging Inosuke closer to you for protection.

"Are you well enough to stay alive while I am gone?" The boy asked, seemingly not even hearing your snide answers as he passed you. You whipped your head to the side and continued to glare at him, not trusting anything behind you at the moment.

Finding that he was just surveying the fallen demon, guilt pricked you with it's thorns for not trusting the slayer and you lowered your head, "Yes... I guess..."

Without looking back at you, he walked further into the treeline and disappeared. You payed no further attention to the strange boy, going back to Inosuke. He shuddered in your arms and you gasped, putting your ear to his chest. His heart seemed to start beating faster as though he had awoken from his shock. A hand pat your face like a blind man searching for distinguishing details, his boar head slowly turning to you like even the slightest twitch hurt.

"[Y-Y/--" You harshly shushed him, though not meaning to sound mean and violent.

"Don't you speak, Inosuke. Your throat was probably crushed. It will only worsen the affects and you'll be left mute." You shook your head, not wanting your tears to spill, "I'll speak for you until you're better! You can use the writing skills me and Zenitsu taught you and I'll read it aloud! Just please don't hurt yourself further, I can't help you with this right now!"

Inosuke just coughed, going quiet again. You gently let him fall onto your lap, shaky hands going up and tugging his mask off his face. He squeezed his eyes shut at the new moonlight, grimacing in pain. Trying not to panic at the blood that coated his face, you dug through your haori pocket in search of the [F/C] cloth you had always carried. Not finding it in the inner pockets, fuck it, you shed your haori and started rubbing away the red liquid with it's hem. There was surprisingly no wounds on his face, so his internals must be mangled. You tried not to show panic, laughing dryly and looking for anything to divert both of your attentions.

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