Chapter 24🌲The Day that Hope Died

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↪Me:*Writes a chapter title with more than 3 words or 1 really big/worrying word*  Readers: (⓿_⓿) i t s  t i m e. 
Also chapter 25/26 got me right in the heart TT-TT↩

↣The Day that Hope Died↢

"Okay [Y/N]-chan, could you change by yourself?" You lazily stared at the three little girls and their nice smiles faltered, "Or are you too tired?"

You hugged the towel closer to you as your wet body shivered, was there a draft in here? The trio pitifully looked down at you, sitting there on the bathroom tiles like it was home. Kiyo, Sumi and Naho tilted their heads in unison, eyebrows furrowing in pity, "You will be able to sleep when we get you dressed! Please, say something?"

Something sparked within you, seeing the tiny girls look sad and unwelcomed, and you gave them the faintest of fake smiles, "I... I'm sorry little ones, I can dress myself, no need to worry. I, uh, am a bit tired is all."

The three gasped, this was the first time they heard you speak after telling them your name when you had come early in the morning. Naho gently placed your new clothing on a stool and Sumi dropped off a toothbrush and it's paste, scurrying out the room to do whatever else they needed to do. Kiyo twiddled with her fingers, looking at the brush in her hands then back at you, "Can I brush your hair after you dress, [Y/N]-chan?"

You raised a hand and pat her short black hair, nodding. She smiled and ran out the bathroom with her sisters, shutting the door for your privacy. Waiting for a minute, you stood your ground before planting your feet on the tiles and pushing yourself up. Promptly you fell back down on your rear.

"Get up, dumbass." You growled at yourself. Grabbing the edge of the tub you leaned upon, you pushed yourself up once again and this time made it, stumbling over to the clothes and wrestling them on before your legs could give out. You brushed your teeth, staring at your reflection in the mirror like it was some sort of horrid sin glaring back at you. The triplets nearly jumped when you slammed the door open again, waiting for them to lead you to whatever room you were staying in.

Naho grabbed the crutches Sumi had ran to get, tucking them under your armpits and grabbing your left forearm for comfort. Kiyo grabbed your right and Sumi led you down the Butterfly estate hallways, into a room and to the fourth hospital bed in a row. You ignored the pitiful crying in the first bed, noting how the second was empty and stopped at the third.

"Inosuke? Are you alright? Did those Kakushi do anything to you?" Inosuke cracked his eyes opened beneath his mask at the sound of the familiar voice.

He raised his head just barely, though his neck hurt and he fell back down, voice barely heard, "[Y/N]?"

Your crutches clattered to the wooden ground and the little children gasped, trying to stop you from running over to the boy. Stumbling, you nearly fell, luckily a hand caught your shoulder before you can even begin your journey down. Inosuke pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you for dear life, like the minute he would let you go you'd somehow disappear. New tears glossed your eyes and you hugged him back just as tightly, no matter how much your legs stung from bending down.

"I-I was so scared you were going to die!" You choked back a sob, burying your head deep into his shoulder, "I'm so dumb that I couldn't help you till it was too late!"

"Stop saying that, woman..." Inosuke murmured in your ear, holding back a cough from his stinging larynx, "I was too weak to help you, now you're hurt."

You shook your head fiercely, looking up at his big blue boar eyes, "No, I'm not hurt, don't worry about me and think about your health first, I should be the least of everyone's worries right now!"

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