Chapter 30🌲¡TASTY! The Tsugukos and Their New Aniki!

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↣¡TASTY! The Tsugukos and Their New Aniki!↢

"WOAH! We're in the belly of the beast! We're in the belly, woman! Your God Inosuke will protect you!" Inosuke grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him as you four walked into the train cart. You grinned at the newly advanced looking interior like it was a whole new world. Inosuke did so as well, dragging you along behind Zenitsu and Tanjirou. You had only stopped and lowered your head when you noticed the amount of disapproving eyes on you.

People stared at you, perturbed that such a woman looked so... Distressed and manly compared to others during this time. No man to lead you quietly down the aisle, no father to tell you to keep your eyes to yourself, no one to rightly take the unsettling bow off your back. Despite the shame crawling up your back, you looked back up to glare daggers at each obliviously prejudice man, until you passed by someone who caught your interest. A woman and her baby, yet they seemed barely able to move because of the mother's undernourishment. You stopped Inosuke and crouched next to the little toddler, then back up at the saddened mother, "Hello there, little one... Hello miss... I have a gift for the two of you."

With that, you took out your wallet, full to the brim with you and Inosuke's money, and took out fifteen thousand yen which looked to be half your money. You didn't seem to care though, gently placed it in the woman's hand and tilting your your head with a motherly smile, "I sincerely hope you buy lots of yummy food for you and your dear baby. You deserve to eat well, and so does this little one." 

Tears welled up in her eyes and she started repeatedly thanking you, bowing her head. You simply smiled and got back up from your knees, taking Inosuke's hand again and running back up to the to the two boys, "Sorry, we saw something we thought was pretty cool!"

"No worries, [Y/N]. I understand that this is a new and strange place. I'm kinda spooked too!" Tanjirou waved a hand to dismiss your apology, looking back to the confused Zenitsu.

"So we're looking for the flame pillar, Rengoku? Do you have any idea what he looks like?" The blonde questioned Tanjirou, whipping his head to and fro to futilely find the hashira. 

Tanjirou nodded his head, lifting his nose in the air and sniffing like a bloodhound, "He is near. Rengoku has bright flashy hair--"

"TASTY!" The four of you went silent at the loud voice, looking over to the bright blonde head behind a booth, "Tasty! Tasty!"

You laughed, honestly finding the man quite relatable. Tanjirou led you all to the blonde and redheaded man who continued to yell "Tasty!"

"Hello! Rengoku-san--"


Filtering yourself past Tanjirou, you put a hand out for the young adult to shake, "Hello Rengoku-san! My name's [Y/N] Ryōshi, it's a pleasure to meet a pillar such as yoursel--"


You sweatdropped, letting your hand fall back to your side. This guy is just as much as a glutton as me and Inosuke... Perhaps more. Shaking your head, you raised a hand and called one of the woman who was taking his plates over. She looked at you, seeming a bit overworked, yet you smiled and asked, "May I have two of what this guy's having?"

Color drained from her face but she nodded, scurrying off with the other empty bowls of rice. You rushed the boys into the seats opposite of Rengoku, sitting at the very edge and waiting for your food. He didn't even seem to notice you were there until you placed another box of rice in front of him, "Here you go, Rengoku-san! I hope you can talk to us now!"

His foxish eyes lit up, even more than they already were, and he finally stopped eating, "Hello, children! You four are...?"

"I'm [Y/N] Ryōshi, this is Tanjirou Kamado, then Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira." You introduced each of your friends, pointing your chopsticks at each before getting to dig into your food.

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