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Claire walked up to the bar.

There was no guard there. Not even Pierce.

She walked back to her bed and sat down on it.

One minute passed.

Five minutes passed.



Half an hour.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps from somebody walking quickly.

Pierce shoved the door open, slamming it against the wall.



"I think there's another conflict about to begin between Zealorus and Vaeqiles!"


"General Ladron is dead!"

"What, really?"

She hated General Ladron with a deep passion. He was the one that ordered the troops to take her, but she figured that was best case scenario.

She would've much preferred that she be taken above any of her old friends.

I wonder how they're doing...

"Yes! And it looks like there's an army being formed to fight back the Vaeqilians in Zealorus!"

He suddenly put his hand over his mouth.

"Oh no! I wasn't supposed to tell you that!"

Claire laughed.

He walked up to the bars to peer through.

"Sorry I've been gone so long. What did you do?"

"Nothing, really."

He sighed, looking down.

"Actually, there is something."

"What?" Pierce asked, looking back up. He became fidgety.

"I've been thinking of this for a long time now. I think I found a way to escape."

"What?" he stopped fidgeting and looked her in the eye.

"Look here."

She walked over to the wall and pulled out a couple bricks. The space was large enough for her to fit through.

"But one problem, why is this place so high up?"

"Don't ask me. I was wondering why they put your cell up here."

"Well, as you probably know, in order to escape I need to get out first. But the problem is once I'm out I have no way of getting down safely."


"But, I figured out that every fourty three days, somebody places a ladder next to the wall - I'm assuming that it's to clean the walls around the tower - and it's pretty close to the hole I broke through, but it's also a bit too far for me to reach."


"The next time they come is tonight."

"What? Tonight? As in... today?"

He looked down.

"Yes. I knew you would be disappointed so..."

She stopped.

"Do you want to come with me too?"

He froze.

"I... of course! You know I've been dying to see the world. What's the plan?"

"Alright then. Let's get down to business."

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