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Fuck what they saying, you like the greatest to me, yeah, For real.


"Gray, you promised food" I said kicking my manicured feet inside the luke warm water as I sat on the edge of the pool.

"You sure did" Justin agreed moving his glasses slightly off his face enough for us to see his eyes.

Gray had invited everyone over to his house to eat some food and swim in his new pool he had built, I wasn't gonna come because I was honesty beat from exams and working 8 hours right after,I haven't really had time to myself-nor relax but they insisted I come and said I would be relaxed, but I was the complete opposite. Gray hadn't let me relax since I got here.

"The food is almost ready" he said sipping his drink and tapping away at his phone.

Always on his damn phone.

"How would you know your not burning anything if  your not even in the kitchen" i said raising my eyebrow.

"Multitasking" he smirked and held up his glass to me walking away.

"Whatever, smartass " I called out after him. He wasn't gonna get the last word.

"Shots, shotsss, shotsss, for the award winning girl" kevin shouted handing me a shot glass and an lime.

"Why would i drink on an empty stomach" i said taking the shot anyways. "Because you deserve it plus gray only invited us all back here to celebrate youuu girl" he smirked adding extras on the YOU.

I hadn't thought gray invited everybody over for me i just thought it was because he liked to cook and he knew we liked to eat, but he did have everything set up nicely and the balloons and the congrats banner.. am i that naive?

ughh, shots.. shots ..shotsss

"Bring me another shot" i say passing him my empty shot glass and biting the lime. "ooo now your talking bitchh" johnathan said blowing me a kiss.

"i thought you didn't want to get sick" kevin said waving the bartender down towards us

"if talking shots on an empty stomach don't make me throw up, im sure gray's food will, mind as well live a little" i said downing another shot.

everyone chuckled.


I like short chapters idk what's wrong with me, but i have alot planned for this book! and the sequel is going to be sickkkkk! i'm so excited! it's starting off slow but thank you to everyone who's giving this book a read! means a lot to me.. i have 25.k ppl in my basement 😭🥳💕.

i'm trying to get out another chapter by today.

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