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                                Samaì's POV

I stared at my canvas for a long time. Something was missing, but what could it be? I scanned the painting from top to bottom and smiled. I picked up my palette and my Purdy XL paint brush dipping it in a color i had made with black and white which made a light gray . The brushes had been a gift from gray, i don't know why he started getting me gifts or maybe it was because i stopped talking to him because i didn't like how he addressed the situation at the lounge and he knew he was wrong that's why he started getting me gifts, I honestly wasn't upset about it being friends with me you have to understand i don't want to talk everyday and plus i really needed to focus on my art project.

I made a stroke to the right side of the canvas and i began to grow satisfied of how it looked, it took me several weeks to even come up with a idea for art class and now that i had cleared my mind, ideas were just flowing through me.

A strand of hair i tucked behind my ear started to escape, i tried to blow it away as i continued to paint, i didn't want anything to distract me or get me out of the mood, i stood up and walked a few meters from my workspace, to get a better look at the art i had created. I put both my hands on my waist and tilted my head to the side while biting my lip, i smiled showing my braces i was too happy and couldn't hide it anymore.

I was in my art studio by myself, my parents found out about my obsession and passion for art and my dad made the guest house into a big studio for me and my art, the whole area was full of art supplies and art that i either had to finish or just lost a passion for and put it in a area to catch dust.

I went over to my alexia speaker and turned the volume up and started to move my hips to the rhythm of the music.


Finally i finished a painting that would be shown in a art gallery, hand picked by my art teacher who was a famous retired painter years ago.

Not to mention, i looked up to him

I was too happy about it and proud nothing can get me out of this moment.

I turned around towards the door still feeling the music and slowly opening my eyes where i stopped dead in my tracks as i seen gray leaned against the door frame smirking.

What was he doing here, h-how long was he there.

I quickly gathered myself and dusted off my apron."W-What are you doing here" i said clearing my voice and running my tongue over my braces

He pushed himself off my doorframe and slid his hands inside his pockets. "I just wanted to check on you, simply because you haven't been answering my calls or texts" he said looking around my art studio "But using the gifts i brought" he added smirking and grabbing the paint brush out my hand before putting it on the table next to him.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the paint brush off the table. "You brought them for me to use right? because if not next time buy me a picture to hang on the wall or sum or don't get me nothing at all, who buys expensive paint brushes and expect a artest not to use them" i say blowing air out my mouth, he hasn't been here more then 10 mins and already has me aggravated.

"Your right" he says throwing his hands up in the air like he's defeated. "But lets get back to what's important, why haven't you been answering me?"

"That's not important gray"

"It is when i feel like your ignoring me"

"Everything isn't about you, i'm busy i had a very important art project due, if you was feeling like you needed attention or whatever it is you lack" i said unclipping my apron and hanging it up on the hook "then go call up skler, skyler? skai?, whatever her name is"

He chucked. "After all iam just a mutual friend"

I walked out of my art studio but not without gray hot on my trail, i opened the backdoor to my kitchen and went towards the sink to wash my hands, gray walked inside and just looked at me.

"what do you want now" i said still scrubbing dried up paint off my hands, he didn't respond he just shifted closer towards me and leaned against the side of the sink.

I grabbed a paper towel and dried my hands off and sighed it's like he deliberately wanted to bother me and dear god was it working...

I looked up at him meeting his gray eyes he was low key looking adorable with the little sinister  smirk he had chained to his face

He then draped a arm over my shoulder and snuggled closer to me,i was kinda shocked and uncomfortable at first but then i snuggled into his arm as well.

"I missed you" he breathed

"No you didn't" i said rolling my eyes, i'm sure if it was any other female they would of believed what gray said and fell at his feet, but i'm heavy on the 'Yeah ok'

"i did" he said bluntly. "If i didn't i wouldn't have blew up your phone and called you multiple times"

okay he had a point

"the piece you were working on looks amazing and your art teacher would be stupid not to give you a passing grade, by the way" he said

"It's actually for a art gallery" i said smiling looking up at him. "Even better, that's exactly where your art needs to be"

I blushed at his statement thank god i was darkskin so he couldn't tell. "Whatever" i said biting my lip

"Yeah whatever" he said taking his arm off my shoulder grabbing my waist, planting a kiss on my cheek before walking out of the kitchen.

Smooth bastard.

"I'm gonna call you tonight and you better answer" was all i heard before i heard the front door open and close.

I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs for a shower, knowing damn well i was gonna answer him.


samai and gray have a cute friendship i guess, and i don't know why he felt like he didn't have to answer the questions about skai the hell! 😂

i hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, it's about to speed uppp. and drama is gonna start to happen and skai ain't going no where sadly

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