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I bet you a bag of gold fish, you won't vote and comment 🥱..


Walking into the norman double doors i decided not to take the stairs knowing the elevators weren't full or being occupied, everyone was already in class learning unlike my late ass.

but i was always late nun knew.

Hopping in the elevator i pushed floor 8, the doors closed and shooted up, i walk backwards until my back touched the wall. I always hated the feeling you get inside the elevator when it takes off feels like your falling or on a roller coaster.. i can't explain it.

Arriving to the floor i waited for the doors to open to release me, taking a left i pulled my phone out the front pocket of my bookbag, throwing it back over my shoulder, checking the time it was 1pm.


Slipping inside of rm 405 i quickly and quietly put my bag down and sat next to justin, unzipping my bag and taking out my folder and notebooks for Biological sciences , this class was mandatory if i wanted to become a emt or a lpn but this class was required for both and i honestly liked it, wasn't as bad as my sister said.

"later then usual samaì" Mrs edna said as she popped a mint candy inside her mouth "you can get the notes you missed from justin we are about to move on to molecular biology, molecular biology is a branch of biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological molecules" she explained.

"Let me know when everyone is at my pace"

i shrugged and turned to justin snatching the notes he was already passing, edna was becoming a real pain in my ass and she always had a smart comment towards me no matter what i did, it wasn't my fault i was always late to her class every time i had her class it was like god or the universe hated me..i was never late to any of my other classes but hers, i needed to get my shit together i need this class to pass and i only had one year left of college.

"Namaste samaì" justin said rubbing his thumbs on my back in chicle motion, knocking me out of my thoughts "we gone get her old ass in the parking lot" he added on.

he always knew how to make me feel better even when i was pissed, reasons why he's my favorite cousin.

I smiled and rolled eyes going back to writing the notes down with my #2 mechanical pencil.


After going to 3 classes and sitting on my ass for a long time i was dragging in the hallway and not listening to a thing justin was babbling about.

"what?" i said stopping him in mid-sentence "what are you talking about now?"

"I'm just saying if kevin look at me one more time like that in chinese lecture i'm just going to fuck him right then and there omg" he said opening his mouth in the o shape and looking at me "you think he's top or bottom? shit i hope top, i love me a nigha who takes charge mm."

"What are you taking chinese lecture for anyways?" i questioned raising an eyebrow. "Because he's chinese..i think."He said looking around confused.

Justin was something else, people ask me how i do everyday .. i'm actually starting to think about how do i do it everyday...

"We going to lunch or what?" i said shaking my head laughing, "Yea i could use some kung pao, oou bitch you think kevin like em thicc?"

I don't think kevin like EM at all...


We finally arrived at panda express where we always ate lunch at after a long day of hell, getting out of justin's 08 civic misfit where you had to use your hand to roll down the window when you got hot or just needing air, i was surprisingly grateful to smell fresh air again, last time i had tried to roll his window down with my hand it snatched back up almost causing me to break one of my nails, and i had just got em done i would of had to take them all off because lord knows it would  of bothered me to have one broken.

"why is it smoking out the front and back ju?" i said fanning the smoke away from my face. "she's had hard time you seen where we just drove from give her a break" he said slamming his door repeatedly until it finally closed.

the school was literally 10 mins away from panda express in walking distance so in car was only 3 mins.

"Mhm" i said rolling my eyes "this a fucking bucket"

"DONT TALK ABOUT HER MAÌ LAST TIME SHE DIDNT START BACK UP BECAUSE OF YOUR HARSE WORDS" he said walking behind me as we entered the restaurant.

yea i was the reason...sureeee

"Ahhh table for two my favorite regulars, yeah?." Amy the hostess asked with the brightest smile i've seen all day.

Yeah they definitely want us to spend our money .

"Three if you think i could fit all this ass in one" justin said sticking his tongue out.

Amy giggled and lead us to our table, she and everyone who worked here had to be used to justin and i by now, we've been coming here since we were little and frankly it was our favorite place to be.

"No need for the menu we already know what we're ordering, i'll take the original orange chicken and for my side egg fried rice, and justin will have the kung pao chicken, pork fried rice for him" i shrug, moving my eyes to justin who's on his phone.

i always ordered for me and justin because if i didn't and he got ahold of the menu he would start ordering shit he never even heard of before or even tried and turn around and not like it, wasting money.

"Stop shrugging your shoulders your gonna get arthritis at a early age" he said looking up from his phone sipping his ice tea.

yeah cus that sounds about right.

As our food arrived and we dug in i couldn't help but think about the sexy stranger i bumped into twice and whether or not i wanted to tell justin about it, i shouldn't even get worked up about it i only had bumped into him two times it's not like we were soul mates or anything.... but they do say 3rd times the charm, but we'll see.

Hey this was just a little something to publish and i wanted you guys to meet justin. he's something else, but i wouldn't want it any other way.

y'all think samaì should tell justin? or y'all think she should just wait?
        vote and comments loves ☹️, until next time ćao 👋🏿💞!

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