Chapter 33

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Third Person (Before Shadow woke up)

"...And that is why I stayed in the city." The female rabbit finished as she surveyed each individual face. She had just told them her tale of why she was in the city and it certainly wasn't pretty.

"I guess that would make sense." the white hedgehog muttered as he rubbed his arm.

The five of them had just woken up and demanded answers to where they were and Vanilla explained it all to them. She had said how she knew there would still be survivors seeing as how the hedgehogs were running amuck, she had turned to G.U.N. (who turned to Eggman seeing as how he had quite a bit of knowledge in hiding) in finding a safe-house for protection. Which is where the six - if including Shadow who was still out cold - were located. She said that if they wanted to rebel against Sonic, they were going to need all the help they could get. So with reluctance, she made herself the "go-getter" as they had said. She would've gone back and forth from underground to the surface to bring back survivors to aid in their cause. And as she just explained, they were literally more than 100 feet under the city.

"What is bothering me is why Sonic is letting there be survivors." Knuckles spoke out after a bit of silence. "I mean, don't get me wrong, but if he really didn't want anyone against him, then couldn't he have taken a little bit of time out of his busy schedule just to kill anyone on sight?"

"I think he wants to install fear in everyone so he could have that pleasure of feeling like he won." everyone looked at Blaze with wide-eyes wondering why she said that. "What? I meant what I said and what I said is that Sonic used to be a hero. Heroes are meant to win. Winning is what will make Sonic feel like he is a hero in his own right."

"But this isn't how a hero behaves!" Amy yelled out only to look at Rouge as she scoffed.

"I think you're forgetting about Mr. Sunshine hun. He is also a hero in his own way. Remember the Ark?"

"I do!" she replied while glaring at the bat before redirecting her gaze to the ground. "I do. But... but Shadow deserves better than this. Same with Sonic. His heart still has some love in it and if we could-"

"Now let me stop you right there Amy." Blaze interrupted her as she looked at the pinkette with her arms crossed across her chest and a raised eye ridge. "Love? What makes you think that love is going to save any of us?" as the pink hedgehog was about to open her mouth and clearly state her opinion that would -in her eyes- 'not fail', Blaze had beaten her to it by throwing her arms to her sides and casting her a glare that burned brighter than the flames she was able to control. "It won't! Love is just a pathetic emotion that is said to be the most powerful when that is just a load of bullshit! That same emotion is what has been clouding your better judgement for half of your life Amy and all because you believed that Sonic had 'loved' you. Well guess what? He hated you with every fiber of his very being but couldn't bare to hurt your feelings so he just simply ran away!" with every word she had said in her little rant, Blaze had gotten closer to Amy until their noses touched. She had pinned a finger directly over her chest while her glare had intensified until literate flames emerged from her eyes.

"He never loved anyone before Sally and he most certainly will never love anyone now. That includes you, you little bitch. We are all sick and tired of you and everyone has just had enough of your presence. Now why don't you take that petty hammer, your over-obsessiveness and your worthless attitude and scram you oversized pink pest." Through all of that, the cat had led Amy backed up against a wall hissing one sentence over the other with a voice just barely over a whisper creating what they would have thought to never happen. The pinkette had tears brimming on the edge of her eyes and letting out a suppressed whimper half sounding of sadness and the other from fear at what she has just been told.

1 Body, 1 Soul, 1 Life, 8 MindsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz