Chapter 24

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Dark's p.o.v.

I sighed as I watched Hyper blab on and on about the gods and their resurrection to Tails. I knew I could've interfered but didn't. I'm sick and tired of always having to step in after Hyper goes on one of his 'can't stop talking' routines. He always does this and this time, I'm going to make sure Hyper is the one taking the fall instead of me. I turned around on my heels and flew deeper into the forest. I got to the 'base' Sonic had made out of a cave before we were about to storm Angel Island and saw Sonic, Excalibur and Exe there with Cream tied to a post in the shape of a cross. Instead of her usual dress, she had on one of those olden time ones with a pure gold necklace, earrings, bracelets and a 24 karat gold ring on her ring finger symbolizing that she probably already remembers who she is. The only problem I could see going on is trying to get her to spill about who Adam was supposed to resurrect as.

"I'll never say anything!" and boy was she ever stubborn.

"Oh, come on you sweat little rabbit. I won't tell a soul if you tell me where and who Adam is right now." she scowled at Sonic's words.

"But you'll use that information to capture him and sacrifice the both of us! I may look like a young innocent rabbit to you but I'm not a stupid one, Havoc!" she yelled and I sighed for the millionth time. Sonic had turned to me and his frown turned into a smile.

"Dark, got any info?"

"None so far and I see that you aren't having any luck either?" I raised an eye ridge and he shook his head.

"No. I suspected Eve would be stubborn but I certainly didn't expect this." he ran a hand through his quills and Hyper had landed beside me. His expression was one of fear so my best guess was that he already knows what Sonic would do to him. "Have anything on Adam, Hyper? Hyper shook his head while looking down at the ground.

"No. But I may have done something bad." he muttered and Sonic crossed his arms over his chest while tapping his foot. Exe and Excalibur looked at Hyper also waiting for an answer.

"Well?" Sonic asked and Hyper started to play with his gloves. I rolled my eyes.

"He told Tails about the gods resurrection." Sonic's foot stopped tapping as he looked from Hyper to me.

"What?" he growled through clenched teeth and I nodded.

"He talked about Iblis, Mephiles, Time Eater and Infinite. I was lucky enough to drag Tails away from there before he could spill anymore information. Unfortunately, Tails got away." Sonic's right eye twitched as he growled and glared at Hyper. I knew I lied but at least I'm the one not getting in trouble.

"How could you say that to him!?" he shrieked and Hyper's ears pinned back.

"I-It was Tails fault! He got me talking and one thing lead to another and-"

"I don't want to hear it!" he yelled and pushed Hyper up against the cave wall. "You better be lucky that you're my brother or else you would've been burnt meat by now." Hyper whimpered at the dangerous tone he used and stomped away from him. He looked at Exe then pointed at Hyper who looked like he wanted to disappear right about now. "Don't let him out of your sight and don't let him anywhere near them until I say so." he then turned to Hyper and glared daggers at him. "Say another word to anyone and I'll sew your mouth shut. Got it?" Hyper gave a frantic nod and Sonic turned away from him. "Good."

"What should we do about Eve?" Excalibur asked as she had a smile on her face.

"Its not me you need to worry about. More like that child who seems to have a problem with staying quiet." she giggled and looked at Hyper with a smug face. "Isn't that right child?" Hyper frowned completely recovered from the threat and turned away from her.

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