Chapter 2

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Super's p.o.v.

"Finally, he fell asleep." I say to them as I floated back down "And why do you have to be so idiotic at times?" I looked at Dark and he looked away

"Don't tell me what to do." he crossed his arms over his chest and I sighed. 'Things are never going to change.'

"Let's put the barrier up." Excalibur said walking over to one side of the tree. Dark gave a low growl and I smacked him upside the head. He put his hand where I smacked him twice and glared at me.

"Just get to your spot." I said pointing at his spot and glaring daggers back.

"Hmph." he walked over and got into position. I sighed again 'This is going to be a long day.' I got into position and we activated the barrier. Until I heard voices come this way 'Just in time to.'

Knuckles p.o.v.

"I sense his chaos energy over there." Shadow said pointing at a tree. We all brought a tranquilizer gun just in case something happens.

"There he is." I said pointing up at the same tree he was pointing at. There on a branch was Sonic sleeping away. I took aim until something smacked the gun out of my hands.

"What the heck!?" I turned around to see everyone elses guns fly out of their hands. I felt something touch me and when I looked closer there was some type of force pushing me back. I gathered my energy and punched the thing sending it to the ground. I gasped and everyone else did too.

Dark's p.o.v.

I got knocked out of my invisibility and fell on the ground, Super and Excalibur was at my side in instance. Also visible and the barrier deactivate.

"Who are you and why do look like Sonic?" Tails said looking at the three of us. I got up from my spot and got into a fighting stance.

"The only thing you should worry about is your life." Super smacked me in the head... again.

"Be nice." he said looking at me then at them. Excalibur already had his sword drawn and ready at any moment. The tension was getting stronger until I sensed movement behind me. The three of us turned around just to get knocked down to the ground and an unconscious Sonic in their hands. They ran away with Sonic in tow.

"Get back into him!" Super yelled to the two of us and we nodded in response. We took off into the sky and chased them. 'Stupid bastards. What do they think their doing with Sonic?!?'

Super caught up to them and disappeared with Excalibur closing in fast. He disappeared also. 'What ever Supers plan is, it better make them suffer.'

I caught up and went inside of Sonic, meeting up with everyone else.

"What are we going to do?" Hyper asked floating beside me

"Can't we make them suffer?" Fleetway asked walking up to Super 'That's what I thought!'

"You know that isn't the worst idea I've heard but it might just work." Super said turning towards the black screen.

"Super, have you lost your mind!?" Darkspine said putting his hands on his hips

"Don't worry this plan will work." he said putting one hand into the other. Realization hit me like a boulder.

"Everyone, get your beams ready. We're going to have some guests." I said facing them and they nodded in agreement.

"And here I thought you were the most clueless being ever." Super said putting a hand on my shoulder. I growled and had to resist the urge to punch him in the face. Instead I mumbled 'Jackass'.

"Tails p.o.v.

"That was too risky." I said as Shadow placed Sonic on the bed. "We should never have done that, not in a million years."

"We at least got Sonic. That's the only thing that counts, right?" Silver asked standing beside me. I looked at Sonic's calm face then back at Silver.

"I agree with Tails. Whoever those beings were, they didn't want us anywhere near Sonic." Amy said putting her hands on her hips

"Guys, you might want to look at this." Knuckles said pointing at him. We turned and saw Sonic glowing!

"What's going on!?" I heard Blaze say. The light was getting brighter until everything went black.

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