Chapter 37

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Third Person

When King Maxmillian led his daughter and 9 hedgehogs into their room, they all got situated on which hedgehog would be sleeping where. It was a fairly big room since it was requested that they all sleep together. Gold, like always, didn't care for any of this. Especially names. Why use or even have something when you're just going to kill everyone after the plan is complete? He just didn't get it but he was loyal to Havoc so he had to do what his Master commanded of him. Which totally wasn't fair if he was ever allowed for his mind to wonder.

All of them were connected in a way a 'hive mind' worked. Thoughts - mostly feelings in those thoughts - get sent back and forth between the 9 of them. It helped because feelings were a basic language that was engraved into each and every one of them since creation. So when he felt a very foreign feeling coming from Havoc's end, Gold felt like he might explode from how strong the feeling was. What was this damn feeling? Why was Havoc feeling it only when that pesky chipmunk was around? Whatever the feeling was, Gold was beginning to not like that chipmunk. He was Havoc's number 1 most trusted creation who doesn't ever fail. He had always wondered if there could ever be more than just that but he was the creation and Havoc was the creator. It just doesn't work that way. So he quickly snuffed out those thoughts before it could cause him more harm than good. He doesn't need to be thinking that way about his Master. But the more Gold thought about those feelings he once had... (And still do if he was being truly honest) those feelings felt just like what he was feeling when Havoc looked at that chipmunk... He shook his head rapidly at that. No that couldn't be possible. His Master falling for who has to be killed by him? Impossible! ... But these feelings say otherwise...

Gold growled to himself and banged his fist on a wall. Curse that chipmunk! How he hated her when he first laid eyes on her. He had quickly gotten the sense that the chipmunk would become a huge pest later on but he didn't realize it would be this bad. He had to do something about this before it escalated into something unstoppable. He looked around the hall he was in. After the 9 of them agreed with sleeping arrangements, Havoc commanded everyone to go out and find names for themselves. What a waste of time. He huffed and continued walking on not realizing what his one action had done. Far above him, a servant was dusting high up on a ladder. The force from his fist had caused the ladder to start rocking and the servant had let out a cry of alarm. That caught Gold's attention and without thinking at all, he flew into the air and caught the servant before she fell. The servant looked at her saver and smiled.

"Thank you." She said to which Gold scoffed and put her down on the ground. He was just about to fly off when what she said got his attention. "You know, you were like a super hedgehog there."

Gold froze and looked at her. All she did was smile.

"Super..." He muttered as he then flew off with a new idea in mind.


Walking along to a step by step beat, frowning every time his foot connected with the ground, 'Fluffy' scowled as he thought how that childish Hyper had given his name to him. Why was that hedgehog even alive? Just to make others suffer? Seems reasonable to him. As he looked around with his swirled eyes he tried to figure out what might be a good idea for him... He sighed because he had no idea. Maybe he should just call himself 'Fluffy' like Hyper suggested after all. Seems like a plausible solution for him after all... He shook his head and sighed once more. Why can't an insane hedgehog who has millions of ways to have fun not think of something as simple as a name? The golden demon sat down on the ground not caring if he was in the way of anyone walking past him. Most people wouldn't even want to get close to 'Fluffy' when they look at him even from afar. He then blinked and tilted his head. 'Fluffy'... Way... He smirked at the idea he had... Even if to anyone else it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever while to him it made perfect sense.

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