Chapter 38

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Third Person

It. Was. Chaos.

As soon as Sonic arrived at the base and transformed, everything went to Hell. It didn't help how the form he was in combined both Werehog's large size and raw strength with Dark's unseeing speed. He had practically already dealt with Iblis in under 3 seconds. Considering that the fire goddess inhibiting Blaze as her host had used her flames to try to get an advantage but even then Sonic had zipped faster than the eye could track him and did one solid punch to render Iblis unconscious while Blaze took back control. Tikal tried to calm the raging fight that Sonic was clearly winning but her pleas only fell on deaf ears. Shadow, seeing the disaster that couldn't be avoided if the blue hedgehog got the Emerald, quickly skated out of there with the emerald in hand. He needed to get to safety since he wasn't in any shape to fight let alone anyone else after just dealing with Excalibur. As the ultimate lifeform did that, a certain hammer wielding pinkette was watching with wide eyes out of the way as Silver, Knuckles and Rouge were in the fray with Blaze also joining as soon as she could.

Amy couldn't believe what was happening; what she started. Her feelings were all over the place at what was transpiring in front of her very eyes. 'How' was all on her mind. How could she do this? To trust... Basically their enemy. Yes Super had made the simplest of mistakes of letting the gang come into Sonic's mind but he couldn't really be blamed. Sonic's brothers all had agreed that the original plan was to do a few sparring matches to get the idea of forcing Sonic to answer their questions away. Instead... It made Sonic go back into his old ways of wanting to kill everyone. Amy thought it was a dream come true when she was in Sonic's mind... But not all dreams are what they appear. She couldn't blame Tails for getting curious, he was still a kid after all. Kids got curious. Sickly curious. Obsessive curious. Death inducing curious. The pinkette forcibly knew at that moment that she was chasing a fantasy that will never happen. Shadow was right... She was blind with what she called love. This wasn't love and that wasn't the hedgehog she had 'fallen' in love with. That was a monster.

Amy let out a breath as she recollected her thoughts. Sonic had seen that Shadow was running away with the emerald he wanted and started going after him. The pinkette had to fix her mistake before it was made worse then it already was. She started running after the two males with her hammer in tow. She wouldn't let Sonic get away with this.

His heart was racing, pounding within his chest. Never before had he felt such fear since he had dismissed any feelings before. The only time he had felt fear was fear for someone's life... Maria's life... Now he was feeling it but for himself, for everyone on this planet. Fear that they might actually lose to the very hedgehog who had protected the planet time and time again without question. Did heroes ever truly get bored of being the good guys once in a while? To do the same cycle over on repeat? Seems highly likely due to the fact the once-hero himself was chasing him to get the precious emerald without any repercussions. He was suddenly snapped out of his thinking as the cobalt hedgehog had slammed him into the wall.

"No one where to run now Shadow." He could hear him whisper into his ears. "That was a fun race, but you should know that when we do race, I always win. Now, time to get my reward." Shadow just simply elbowed Sonic to get him away and turned to glare at him.

"Get away from me! The emerald doesn't belong to you!"

Sonic rolled his eyes at that. "You may say that now but I will prove you wrong."

And with that, they went into battle. Punches, kicks and two coloured blurs went around the battlefield. The two hedgehogs were going around trying to get each other but kept on dodging the others blows. Amy had finally arrived when things were starting to look bleak for Shadow. Without healing or all his powers, Shadow was still at a disadvantage. Amy narrowed her eyes and waited for her chance to strike. Sonic sometimes - but not all the time - had some attack patterns. It's what made him so unpredictable. She focused and visualized their fight just by looking at the blurs. She released a breath then swung. She made contact but not the way she wanted. Sonic had predicted her hammer and made both her and Shadow collide. The ebony one was wacked into the wall barely conscious. She immediately felt sorry for doing that with wide eyes and partially open mouth while Sonic smirked.

"Well well~ That worked out for me perfectly. Thank you you pathetic rose." Sonic claimed his prize then started making his way out of the underground base. "I didn't even have to use some of Shadow's powers I stole from him. Everything is working out for me~" Amy couldn't let him get away with this. She couldn't! She started charging at him... But didn't get far as Sonic had just waved his hand and sent Chaos Spears at Amy. She went down easily. "Well... For the most part that is."

Amy never believed in the 'what could be worse?' Scenario, since anything could always get worse. As she began to lose consciousness, she wondered what Sonic would do to them now. What he would do to everyone.

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