Chapter 30

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Third Person

Hyper and Exe were just two hedgehog's beyond compare -and that they knew. They also knew how that for some weird reason, Sonic liked putting them both together as partners. Whether it be for personal preference or just by random, they would never know. But one thing that they both seem to have in common is that neither would ever want to see Sonic cry; one tear and they would go ballistic. They also have known that they were crazier than everyone else but that was only a myth. In reality, Sonic would be the craziest then followed by everyone else. After all, it was Sonic who created them and it was also Sonic who named them -although they named themselves with Sonic accepting the name- and who could ever forget that it was Sonic that seemed to have the most emotional break-outs? Well... in counting he only had three but who really cares?

Right now, Hyper was flying in all sorts of directions and kept on singing that song over and over again. It really got on Exe's nerves but he learned that if you live with 8 other hedgehogs who also have weird tendencies, then you should know how to shut them out. Or else you might actually go insane. He kept on singing over and over on loop for the entire flight... Exe was silently thinking that by 'keeping him quiet' as Sonic had said that he might want to rip the white hedgehog's head off. Eh, it would shut him up but the orb-eyed hedgehog thought against it.

"-oh happy is me~" no matter how annoying Hyper was. Exe sighed then rubbed his ears. How many loops does it take to want yourself to become deaf? Well, in Exe's case, 1. He had to suppress a growl as Hyper flew a circle around him and then twirled in the air. The orb-eyed hedgehog rolled his eyes then continued to fly with the young-minded hedgehog following him.

"Hyper." he started to say but as always said hedgehog continued to sing. Although he was sort-of grateful that instead of singing, Hyper had resulted into humming. But that was still annoying. "Hyper." Exe floated in mid-air but still, Hyper ignored him. Now was probably the time that Exe shouldn't get angry but alas, when would he ever listen to his own better judgement? He breathed out a sigh then took in a nice big breath. "HYPER!"

"Gah!" the white hedgehog jolted as he heard his name being called a little too loudly in his liking and turned to see a not-so-happy Exe. "Exe, what were you thinking!? I don't like being yelled at!" Hyper glared at the dark blue one which he scoffed at.

"You don't like being yelled at!?" Exe asked a little lower then his normal voice. "Well I don't like listening to you singing about how happy you are!" that made Hyper's glare falter a bit as he looked down.


"Yeah, oh is right and-" but before he could finish, Hyper had dived downwards. "Hyper?" he looked down as well and could see that they were over Angel Island and ironically enough -right on top of the altar a little ways away. Exe rolled his eyes then followed Hyper. Once both hedgehogs had landed, the white one smirked proudly to himself.

"Well, at least I led us to Angel Island. Haha." Exe gaped like a fish at what he was hearing.

"You!?" he couldn't believe his ears. "I was the one that got the brilliant idea to yell at you!" Hyper turned to look at him with narrowed eyes.

"Oh hush Exe. I'm the one with all the ideas and you just carry them out."

"WHAT!?" he looked at Hyper with wide eyes then motioned his hands like he wanted to strangle him. "Why you-" but he stopped himself before something could happen and instead, decided to pull on his quills. "GAH!" the white hedgehog had heard the dark blue one's yell and turned to see what the matter was, only, he just ended up gasping at what Exe was doing.

"Exe! Stop that! You're going to hurt yourself!" Exe blinked when he heard that then, deciding to play around with Hyper, let go of one of his quills to place his hand on his hips and purposely threw his head to the side still gripping his quill.

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