Chapter 21

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Blaze's p.o.v.

I stumbled from the bright light shining in my face and blinked to get rid of the dots dancing in my vision. I rubbed my head then looked around to see that we weren't an Angel Island anymore but Sonic's room and everyone else was also standing here.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked and received a chorus of yes's, okays and fines.

"Huh? Sonic's room?" Silver turned around in a complete circle before facing me. "So that emerald takes us back to where we were before everything happens?" before anyone could answer him, Shadow yelled out in pain and we looked over to see all the bruises and cuts from when he was in Sonic's mind.

"Shadow! Are you alright?" Amy asked worried as Rouge and Knuckles held him standing up straight.

"Yeah... just hurt." Tails had raced out of the room and when he came back, he had a medical kit. Shadow hissed as Tails had started cleaning some of his wounds.

"What do you think is going to happen now?" I questioned but as I said that, Sonic's body began glowing.

"Guys, this way!" Rouge had lead us away from his room so we wouldn't be spotted but can still watch on what was going on. 8 other figures appeared and once the light died down, we saw that it was Sonic's brothers who had appeared.

"Oh, guys, guys! We have our bodies back!" Hyper jumped up and down as he cheered over and over again. Super chuckled and looked at everyone then at Sonic as he groaned while sitting up. Sonic glared at Super once he laid his eyes on him.

"Next time you decide to bring extra visitors into my mind, I'll be the one pounding on yours." Super gave a wry smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, haha, sorry about that Sonic."

"Hmm... I wonder..." Dark hummed as his aura had reached out towards Super and slapped him upside the head. Super glared at Dark as the navy hedgehog chuckled.

"Yup. Still got it." Super rolled his eyes then looked at Sonic.

"What should we do now? They already got away." Sonic stood up from his bed and chuckled while giving an evil smirk.

"There's only one thing left to do." Fleetway's eyes widened

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Sonic nodded and everyone gained a weird glint in their eyes.

"Werehog." Sonic pointed up at the roof and the 6 foot hedgehog punched it causing debris to go everywhere. Sonic giggled then gave the widest smile I've ever seen him use. "Have at it." everyone left through the roof but all that was left was Darkspine and Sonic. "What's the matter with you?" Sonic asked as he raised an eye ridge.

"Over there." he pointed in our direction and when Sonic looked our way, our eyes locked and he glared at me. I immediately pushed everyone farther into the room we were in and shut the door. I got everyone to get as far away from the door as possible and we waited for what would happen. I took a glance at Shadow to see that Tails had already put bandages around the one cut on his stomach and a few smaller ones on the cuts around his body.

"Get back with the others." I heard Sonic's voice and then soft footsteps get louder until the only noise was our every breathing. A louder then possible knock came three times making us all jump. "I know you are all in there." we looked at each other and Tails held a finger to his mouth. "I also know that you all won't survive." he chuckled. "Come on. I won't let it hurt if you come peaccccefully." he stretched out the 'c' as if it was an 's' and another chuckle was heard. Some more silence until the door was banged on. "You know what... if you want to hide like the little cowards you are, then I'll burn this house to the ground with you stuck inside." his voice was muffled as if his face was up against the door. Some more footsteps were heard but they sounded like they were getting farther away until they came back. Some splashing sounds came from right outside the door and everywhere else. I heard something spark and smelt something burning... I widened my eyes and went to feel the door-handle but recoiled as it was hot.

"Blaze? Whats wrong?" I heard Silver ask and looked at him.

"Sonic is going to burn us down." he stared at me then used his psychokinesis and opened the door seeing flames in all the halls, rooms, and even some down stairs. He immediately closed the door and we all got away from the door. Only then did I look around to see that we were in a bathroom.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." Tails was freaking out as he paced back and forth.

"What do we do now?" Rouge asked as she sat on the toilet lid and I looked at the tap sitting beside it.

"Can you use Chaos Control Shadow?" Knuckles asked and Shadow shook his head.

"No. Sonic beat me up to much and I'm still weak from doing it back in his mind."

"There has to be a way out of here!" Amy yelled and I turned on the tap full blast and went to the tub, turning both knobs also to full blast.

"Blaze, what are you doing?" Tails asked as he saw the running water and Amy started to freak out.

"Your trying to kill us!"

"No I'm not." I said in a calm voice. "Fires biggest weakness is water so if we wait long enough for the water to get high enough, we could use it to make a path for us to escape." they stared at me then Tails smiled.

"Ohhhh. Yeah, I forgot about that. Good thinking Blaze." he rubbed his chin then we all froze as we heard a loud creak and groan.

"Did you guys hear that?" Knuckles asked after a bit of silence and we nodded.

"Was that the house?" Rouge questioned and Tails face-palmed.

"Sonic must've gotten down to the supports and sent them on fire too."

"The supports! How could he have done that!?" Amy screeched and I deadpanned.

"He has eight powerful brothers and he is the strongest out of them all." she blinked then looked down.

"Oh." I looked down at the water level and saw that it was rising faster than I expected. It was already at our waists.

"I'm so glad my makeup is waterproof." Rouge said out of the blue and we all stared at her.

"Why would you be worrying about your makeup at a time like this!?" Silver screamed and she placed a hand on her chest.

"A woman's beauty should never be tarnished."

"If you are all done fooling around, you would see that we are in a life or death situation here!" Shadow yelled out and everyone went quiet.

"He's right you know." I said. "We can't lose sight of what we have to do now." we nodded and the house groaned again. Some ceiling dirt came down as the house also shook and we had to hold onto something so we wouldn't fall down.

"The house won't stay standing up for much longer!" Knuckles yelled and I ran to the door.

"Hold on tight!" I yelled and snapped the door open causing all the water to rush out. Once the water came out, some of the fire went out with a hiss and some of it was still going. "Lets go!" we all went running as the water had cleared a path and once we made it to the bottom level, the house shook again. We made it out in the nick of time as the ceiling fell and just kept running until we were 50 feet away. We watched as the remains of the house burnt away into nothing.

"My house." Tails whined

"I don't think your house is the most important thing here." we all turned to Shadow's voice and our eyes widened at the scene before us.

"Chaos..." the whole world was either in flames, looked like a landfill or a barren wasteland. Some other buildings in the distance were burning while the trees were black and there was no grass in huge spots. Bodies of different Mobians and Humans were mingled and some were torn apart in gruesome ways. Overall, I didn't recognize the world anymore. It looked like something out of a horror story.

1 Body, 1 Soul, 1 Life, 8 MindsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora