Chapter 20 ~ The Heat

Start from the beginning

            The packs went wild. The air exploded in excited yells and screams, the audience members jumping and throwing their hands in the air. KC simply smiled and clapped, nodding towards Amber when the two locked eyes. Dan went forward and kissed her, which she returned before punching him in the shoulder, turning him around, and pulling him down against the ground. The cheers continued as a battle between the beta couple began.

            “Remember when we used to fight like that?” KC nudged me, eyes still trained on the beta battle.

            “We hated each other,” I chuckled, recollecting to the training sessions years ago. Thinking back, the quarrels seemed beyond childish and immature, an embarrassment really. As an Alpha, I shouldn’t have engaged KC in a petty fight when the purpose was to train the pups who would grow up to inherit the trouble we’ve found ourselves in. In fact, most of those pups made up part of the circle that was gathered around Dan and Amber.

            “That might be the biggest understatement of the hour,” she laughed. “Besides, I don’t think our little disagreements were as cute as this.” By that point, Dan had Amber pinned on the ground. Dan was straddling his fiery-tempered mate, his hands clasped around her slim arms. But she pushed forward with all she had and the two went tumbling.

            “Not even close,” I scoffed, the poisonous insults echoing in my mind.

            “I could see that.” Recognizing the young, mocking voice, KC and I glanced at each other before back at a scuffed up, beaten down Cameron. Scratches and bites patterned his body, streaks of blood and dirt sweeping across his torso. KC raised an accusing eyebrow at him but he took it as curiosity and continued. “I mean the alpha jerk and the tortured soul aren’t exactly a modern day Romeo and Juliet. Besides, face it man, she’s way out of your league.”

I clenched my teeth and bit back the vicious remark, feeling the cautionary glare from KC. I detested the fact that Cameron could get away with disrespecting us, but his childish behavior was not worth splitting our packs. Even if his pack was five members short of extinction, they were still fairly valuable in this fight.

            “How do you know so much about us?” KC questioned calmly and I realized she was right. Yes, we were a pack known for our strength and past turmoil, but KC and I were relatively new alphas and haven’t made much of a name for ourselves yet. Even then, however, no one should know so much about us before we were alphas.

            “I have my ways,” he smirked, looking arrogantly at KC for a moment before shifting his gaze towards the fight. Irritated beyond my limits, I looked to KC, jaw clenched as tightly as my fists. She just shook her head and silently reminded me how he wasn’t worth it. We returned our attentions back to the ring just as Amber and Dan went tumbling out of it, knocking down a few wolves like bowling pins who hadn’t gotten out of the way quick enough. The crowd went into and uproar, excited about the first tie of the day.

            “How about it, Damon? One round for old time’s sake?” The words had barely registered when KC shrugged off her shawl and sauntered into the ring, the hollers turning into excited whispers. I stared at her wide eyed for a moment, shocked that she had just put herself into the mock-battle. Then, shock subsided to frustration and I clenched my teeth behind pressed lips. I shook my head but she smiled at me, the biggest I’d seen in a while, and lowered herself into fighting stance: knees bent, arms up, fists clenched, and determination in her eyes.

            “If you don’t get in there with her, I will,” Cameron dared, stepping up beside me and glancing quickly at me before looking back towards KC. Still glaring warningly at her, I shoved Cameron back and stepped forward into the circle. The onlookers grew silent; the breeze weaving through the distant trees in a low rustle the only sound to be heard.

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