Notable Newcomer - Part 27

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I'm in my home studio, going through my laptop and transferring some chords on to my piano or guitar. Whatever sounds best really.

I have four songs for an album, but it's still a work in progress. I need to get it edited and then finalized. Doing all of that, I need to make sure it's good enough for the album.

If it's going as good as it is. I should I have an album by spring of next year. Which is around 6 months from now.

I decided to take the rest of the day off from music. I want my music to be fresh and clean. Not something that sounds cluttered, if that makes any sense.

I also needed to run some needed errands; grocery shopping, bills, meetings.

I take a quick stop at my managers house to talk about how the new album is going and where I am, career wise. We might push back the very unfinished album until fall, so I can focus on some singles. Even though I feel like singles should just show up randomly, oh well.

I then went to the bank to turn in some checks I had. Then I went to Fred Meyers, quickly getting some groceries and hygiene supplies.

Once arriving at home I put everything away, and focus my mind on getting some bills done. Then putting them in my mailbox.

During that, I got a call from Blondie to come over. So I get in my beloved car and drive to the Seavey residence. Knocking on the door, greeted by Tyler and being let in.

"Daniel's in his room" Tyler smiles

I thank him and walk over to Blondie's room. Speaking that I've already been in there before. I do a quick knock and push open the door.

"Y/n!" He smiles and gets up from his bed, giving me a hug.

"Blondie" I smile back

"What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know, you're the one who invited me"

"we can watch a movie? Or go out for a walk?" He says

"It's dark out" I shrug "movie sounds good"

He goes out of his room and walks into the living room, turning on the tv. I follow him and sit on the couch next to me.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks

"I don't know, something Disney?"

"Mhm, okay" He then puts on a Disney movie and after 10 minutes Christian and Tyler join in.

After the movie we decided on playing monopoly. Tyler and Christian set up the game on a table, while Blondie was showing me some videos on his phone.

Eventually we started playing and most of the spaces are bought and some filled with houses.

"You can't do that!" Christian says to Tyler

"I'm banker!" Tyler defends


I laugh from the simple mistake, quickly putting my head down to hide my smile when both Christian and Tyler shoot me a look. Blondie laughs at the actions that was shown.

"Shut up Blondie, you're almost bankrupt" I smile

"No, I have these" he defends, showing a few cards

"Yeah, like that set is gonna help you" I speak

"Daniel, the only thing you have going for you are the trains" Christian says

"You have a bunch of different spaces, and I need that yellow one" Tyler says

"Too bad, I have it then" Blondie laughs

We continue teasing and playfully bickering over the game.

"What were you saying earlier? That I'm almost bankrupt?" Blondie teases

"Shut up, I'm not almost bankrupt" I smile

"We'll see" He laughs

"Tyler, just give up" Christian laughs

"No, I can turn back from this" he insists

Soon after Tyler went bankrupt and was out of the game.

"I passed go" I state, finishing my turn

Tyler gives me the money, as he is still banker and observing the game.

"Dang, you got lucky I almost had you" Christian says, referring to his dark blue spaces that are filled with houses. Definitely not something you want to land on.

This game went on for another hour, and you can tell I was getting bored. Christian and Blondie were too, just didn't want to show it because they wanted to win.

"Y/n, pay up" Christian says, showing me a card he just pulled.

"Here" I say handing him the money

I then take my turn and land on the dark, blue, spaces. Uh oh.

"Hahaha! Pay up! Again!" Christian exclaims

I laugh and organize the money I needed to give him. I pout realizing I don't have enough cash.

"You're gonna lose" Blondie laughs

I put some houses on mortgage, and give Christian his money. I was barely able to last another round.

"Sorry y/n" Blondie smiles

"Yeah, right" I laugh and hand him the rest of my money and observe the two playing and bickering.

After a long night of lounging at the Seavey residence, I said my goodbyes and made my way home. Ally texted me earlier so she can come over.

I text her I'm home and a few minutes later she comes in.

"Hey, you won't believe what Chase and I talked about" She smiles

"What did you two talk about?" I question

"We talked about our future" she gushes

"Like future together?"

"Yeah! We talked about kids and marriage" she smiles

"That's great! Wait, isn't marriage really soon?"

"Well yeah, but we were together for two years before and now a few months. We know each other really well, so in a way not really" she states

"That's good, as long as you're happy" I smile

"How about you and the Daniel guy?" She questions

"Still, best friends"

"Are you still flirty?" She questions

"Just teasing" I defend

"Yeah, yeah, the way you two tease is pretty much flirting" she smiles

I laugh "are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"In the morning no, but for Halloween Chase and I were gonna go with his younger siblings trick or treating"

"Aww, that's cute"

"His siblings are cut! I mean he is too but, you know" she smiles.

"Yeah, how old are they?" I ask

"Carson is 12, and Aliyah is 7, there is also Arielle but she is 17 and not going trick or treating with us. She's going to a party which Chase and I will hit up afterwards"

"Ohh, is the party in town?" I ask, wondering if we could end up going to the same party

"Umm, no it's downtown" she answers

"Ohh, Blondie and I are going to a party but I don't think it's the same one"

"Probably not because if it's Blondie's party, probably some influencers. The one downtown is just some random person that Arielle knows"

"Oh, then why are you going?"

"Free food and drinks!" She smiles and we both laugh.

Notable Newcomer // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now