Notable Newcomer - Part 21

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Two years ago around this time. I was just starting senior year of high school and was dating Liam at the time. Liam was lucky and I was very proud of him that he was already starting his career as an actor.

These comments that I've been seeing recently has reminded me of this time with Liam. How is fandom didn't like me because I was simply dating him. It made no sense, because I was dating him before he was "famous".

All of these different comments and opinions effected me in different ways. Back then a lot more at least. That's why I like to keep my relationship status private. If I had to choose one thing to keep private. This would be it.

I just don't want a lot of opinions interfering, with something so personal to me. I love my supporters, but in the back of my mind it scares me that I could get hate on someone I took interest on. More than a friend.

Either way, that was in the past. Two years ago, and I admit it sucked when it got brought up again a few months ago. It shouldn't get brought up again because I'm not dating anyone. It's as simple as that.

I was looking at some studios in New York. The three songs I've made in Hawaii. I have finished it for the most part. Now I want to go in the studio, while I still have the motivation.

I still haven't decided if I wanted to drop these three, separately as singles or an album. I'm leaning towards album because they are all similar.

Later today, Seavey and I are gonna go take a trip to the studio we found. He insisted on going and staying, meaning he's gonna hear me sing. We have heard each other sing before. I've heard him sing more than he has me. He just hasn't heard me sing in person, just with my songs. We have sing along on radios which is really fun. We listen to each other quiet often on the computer, which is always nice.

"I already called ahead and they said we can head over" I say, grabbing the last of my things

"Okay, I can't wait to hear you sing" Seavey says, standing up from my bed

With a longer than attended walk, we finally made it to the studio. I was already getting set up in a studio with just Seavey and I.

We agreed that I will do what I want to. Finalizing the songs, it's going to be much harder because usually I have at least Sarah with me. Then Seavey will sing in the studio, just to make it fair.

I finished the first song and I walked out of the glass wall, that Seavey was looking through.

"How was it?" I ask happily

"That was amazing" He says excitedly giving me a hug

"Thank you, I'll get the other two then we can work on editing" I tell him

"We?" Seavey grins

"Yeah, you said you wanted to help" I shrug

"Thank you! Now go get the other two songs done" He gently pushes me back into the room

I sing the other two songs and I've caught the admiring eyes of Seavey. I didn't think to much of it, because he's never heard me full on sing. Only on computer or me singing along with the radio.

Hours have passed and both Seavey and I have sung and let me tell you. His voice is so amazing and angelic. Like, this dude is talented!

We both have edited the songs and it's ready for me to send to my manager and she'll send to a producer. When I get back, together we will work on getting it perfect.

Seavey and I were walking back, and it took so long that the sun has already set. New York was way colder than LA. Now that I'm walking in the dark, it's even colder.

My teeth just begin chattering and Seavey just finished talking about how fun it was at the studio.

"Are you cold?" Blondy questions

"Is it obvious?" I clench my jaw, to stop the chattering

"Yeah, here" he laughs slightly taking off his black denim jacket

I stop him by grabbing his arm so he still had a sleeve on. "Don't, aren't you cold?"

He shrugs before handing me the jacket. I was hesitant on grabbing it and I looked at him feeling guilty. He smiled and put the jacket over me.
Feeling the slight warmth it gave me, I quickly put it on causing myself to warm up even more.

"Thank you" I mumble and he gives me a side hug, while walking

After about twenty minutes of walking, we walked in the warm hotel. Both of us, our nose and cheeks red from being transferred from cold to warm.

I took off his jacket as we came to his door but he kept walking on our way to mine. I laughed to myself and opened the door letting us both in.

I set his jacket on my bed and take off my shoes. I jump in bed and I feel the spot next to me sink in.

Seavey and I spent the rest of the night just talking and how August is coming sooner than expected. That's when I would be back in LA. New York was fun and we talked about taking another trip but to our hometown, Portland. We never made am official plan but it would be nice going back to Portland.

Notable Newcomer // D.S.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang