Notable Newcomer - Part 6

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I was simply in my very unprofessional studio, running my fingers along my piano. Creating some musician notes and chords. Until I heard a knock on my door.

I walk over and open the door, and am greeted by Ally.

"Hey, what's up?" I say, opening the door wider inviting her in

"Nothing, how are you?" Ally says, taking a seat on the couch

"Huh, I'm good but I know you and you would just call me if that's all you wanted to say"

"Okay fine, you caught me" Ally takes a deep breath "Chase called again"

"and?" I ask, wondering if anything happened

"Well, this time I answered-"

"Allyson-" I start

"Wait, wait, wait, before you say anything. Let me finish?"

"Okay, go ahead"

"So, I know you don't like him because he was caught kissing some other girl. But, they ended things and he apologized to me and he at least wants to take me on a apology date then he said he wanted an answer." Ally explains

"You already agreed, didn't you?"

"Yes, he seemed so sincere" Ally reassured

"Well, okay. He is paying, free food for you!" I giggle

"Yay! Ally gushed

"You and your guys" I laugh

"Hey, when you met him you did like Chase" Ally ushured

"That's fair, I did"

Ally and I talk for hours, per usual. Just about random stuff, today it was about boys and how excited I am to hit a million!

"When is your date with Chase? I ask

"Tomorrow night" Ally casually says

"Okay, if you don't like him by the end. I'll give him a talk"

Ally takes in a sigh before speaking "we both know, you're going to want to talk with him either way"

"Yup!" I giggled

"Okay, well as much as I want to spend the night. I didn't bring any clothes"

"That's fine, see you tomorrow for breakfast?"

"Of course! Love you!"

"Love you too" I wave her off, after giving her a goodbye hug.

I quickly change into some grey sweatpants and a white cotton cropped tank top. I wash my face and brush my teeth then jump into bed. I get under my soft blankets and scroll through my phone for about 20 minutes...


Great. I love not being able to fall asleep. I'm tired and for some reason can't go to sleep, why?

Eventually I get up and go on my phone, squinting at the bright device I just turned on. 4:09am. Yes. I love starting my day super early.

*peep, the sarcasm*

After contemplating if i should struggle to try and sleep or struggle and start my day. Either way, I'm struggling. I laugh to myself, before getting out of bed with my phone in hand.

I flick the light on to my living room. Glancing at the mostly covered windows, which are revealing no light.

I sit on my couch and go through Instagram. Randomly starting a live. I don't say anything yet, but I read some comments and laugh at a few of them.

"Isn't it like 4am, where you are?"

"We should all be sleeping"

"I mean, it's 2pm where I am"

"Go to sleep Y/n!"

"Hey guys" I smile reading more lovely comments.

"Yeah, it is 4am and no I didn't get any sleep. For some reason I can't fall asleep" I sigh, reading more comments

"How long does it take for the album to get delivered?" I read a comment

"Um, I believe two weeks. No more than a month though. Actually if you live out of the U.S. it could take slightly over a month... I'm not very sure though" I laugh to myself

"I love your giggle, can you say hi Lisa" I read another comment

"Hi Lisa! and thank you, you're so sweet" I smile

"Will you ever download Twitter again?" I read another comment

"Probably not" I laugh and shake my head, remembering when I had Twitter

"Wait! Why did you delete it?"

"Oh, uh. I deleted it maybe a month after I turned 18? Let's just say, Twitter and I aren't a good match because I used Twitter to post unfiltered statements which unintentionally started some drama and I'm sorry about that"

"I love youuu!"

"I love you too" I speak, replying to the comments

"Do you have a celebrity crush?" I read

"Umm, I feel like everyone has had one at one point or another"

There was a pause and the comments filled with them searching for the answer.

"Oh" I laugh to myself "my celebrity crush would be..." I pause trying to think "Harry Styles, who doesn't love him?"

A text notification appears on the top of my phone. "Y/n, get some sleep". My manager Sarah, always looking out for me.

"I know this was shorter than usual, but my manager just texted me to get some sleep... So I'm gonna pretend to and end the live! I love you guys, byeeee-"

I end the live and wonder why Sarah was even up. I swear, she literally has mother instincts. I grab my phone and make my way to my piano.

"are you still up? I saw your live" I get a text from Daniel

"Yup, very much. Why are you awake?" I text back

"Same as you, I can't sleep"

"I hate it when I can't fall asleep" I text, then play an unknown melody on my piano

"You live alone right?"

"Yeah, you should totally come over!"

"alright, see you soon" I read the text then turn off my phone. Shifting my full attention to my piano.

Notable Newcomer // D.S.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя