Notable Newcomer - Part 14

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I finished the show in Minnesota, which was great! All of these shows are similar but yet so different! I feel like the vibes and the crowd in general is just different every time.

It's really nice hearing all of the cheers. It's very lovely meeting all the people, and don't get me started when they bring some of their creative gifts. Or any gift in general. I'm so thankful and grateful for them.

I'm 19, I would say a fairly young girl. I've gotten so far in life and this tour has definitely proved it.

I let out a laugh, there has been a few cases where people. Usually males would kiss me on the cheek for the photo. I don't mind, it just comes in a little shock when they don't say anything about it.

Usually people would ask for poses and I'm more than happy to do it. Except there was one guy, who came with a photo of something not very appropriate. Let's just say there was people not fully clothed and basically making out. He said he was only joking, but that was after he saw my reaction.

It was 7am and I'm at the airport. Usually 7am I'm not very tired but with the late call yesterday with Ally, and I just couldn't fall asleep in the hotel. I only have four hours of sleep. Hopefully I can get some more on the plane ride to Texas. I wanted to explore but I also have a show tonight. Wasn't the smartest move, having these shows so close. I figured it would have been fine because I was going on a plane.

When I landed, I greeted a few fans. They were so nice and patient while I stepped away to get my luggage. We took some photos before I left.

At the hotel, Sarah and I share a room. We're both close so it's fun that way. Also we usually aren't going to be in the rooms. I have an interview and then I want to explore Texas. Then hopefully with enough exploration. I'm off to the venue to perform for and meet incredible people!


"What's up New York!" I hear the cheers of people and we begin the regular setlist.

"How are we doing?!" I exclaim in the microphone to receive cheers.

I was just talking to them, to let the place cool down before we start singing and jumping again.

"This is crazy guys! You guys are loud, in a good way though" I laugh into the microphone

"I love you" a fan yells

"Date me!" another one yells

"Ruptured!" a fan yells

I then hear the song get called a few more times.

"You guys want to listen to Ruptured?" I say more as a question.

I haven't played that song for anyone on this tour. It's just deep and it hits different. I sing every other song on my album "Voyage" except this one. I wanted to keep things happy and positive but when I received cheers to my question. I knew what I was gonna do.

"We don't have Ruptured recorded for performing. So hopefully we can figure something out"

I then turn towards one of the side exits to backstage, and I put hand on my ear to try and listen to Sarah.

"Too short of notice, we're bringing out a piano" Sarah says

"Looks like I'm playing an instrument again!" I say into the microphone

For two of the songs, I play an instrument. One being the piano and the other a guitar. The others I just rely on the speakers.

Sitting on the piano, the crowd goes quite when I start playing. They somehow edited the violin. It's a slow song with high notes. Once I start singing the cheers begin. Just before the part with the really high note, I take a break because I recalled some things and my voice broke.

"Don't cry!" A fan yells

I smile and just in time I sing the line in the leading high note. Cheers and screams are spread throughout the venue. Amazed, astounded, admiring, the fans cheer even louder. I finish the song and speak for a bit. We then get back to the regular jumping and singing.

New York was powerful! I had about six hours of sleep but my tiredness immediately went away when I went on stage, the venue filled with cheers. It was amazing!

The next few shows I got even more tired but I never showed it on stage. It's not that I wasn't allowed to. I just couldn't, every time I went on stage I was filled with energy and I loved it.

I was always busy with rehearsals, performing, interviews, if I wasn't doing that. I was exploring the wonderful state I never been in. Sometimes I would sleep but I usually save that for the night time or planes. No wonder I'm so tired, I giggle to myself.


Miami Florida was great! The ocean is beautiful. If I haven't taken enough tour photos. I definitely covered that here. It's just so admiring and pleasing to look at.

Speaking of tour photos, I've been posting quite often. Before tour I would maybe post once a week. Now I'm posting 3 times maybe 4 times a week. I post on my story everyday, and keep my "Rhymes" updated.

So far it's been a great experience! I-I just can't wrap my head that it's almost over. My summer tour is almost to an end. Just one more performance in Hawaii. Then those basically three months, whoosh. Summer went by really fast!

I know Hawaii is going to be a great way to end it, after all it's my first and only performance outside.


At last, we are in Hawaii. I'm staring at the sand on the ground. Where people are going to stand in an hour. Behind that, it's the beautiful ocean.

I take in a few minutes just thinking about this tour. Closing my eyes and listening to the waves, then once in a while hearing a few screams of joy.

This summer tour has been amazing!

The intro plays and I run and skip on the stage. The first two songs play "Party" then "Taxi-Uber". I speak to the crowd and it gets a little emotional because I speak about it being the last show of my summer tour.

We sing and dance some more ending this tour great!

"Thank you so much Honolulu Hawaii! It was fun and an amazing experience! This whole tour was an amazing experience! Until next time!" I then get off the stage, going behind it. While I can hear the music still playing for the outro song.


The adrenaline rush was everything and I loved being on stage, and hearing everyone.

I loved meeting everyone, who chose to pay a bit extra to meet me. I love all of the gifts they gave me. I love all the hugs we shared.

I love to hear, their voices singing back my music. Like, dang! They know my songs and they love it!

My first tour was amazing! I'm definitely going on tour again! For now, I'm spending some relaxing time in Hawaii! Then I'm on my way back home!

*If you couldn't tell, I rushed the tour part. I could've made it longer and had more detail but I don't want to go five parts without one of the main people, Mr. Seavey! I guess in a way these four parts were just fillers, idk*

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