Notable Newcomer - Part 25

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Two weeks of getting back into routine. The interviews have pretty much stopped since I'm currently not doing any public work. I've been going to the studio getting some songs ready.

I decided to come out with a few singles. Tonight will be "Wave" it's a simple song about how things come and go and it shows many connections of my perspectives to the ocean.

I made it the second night I came back from my New York trip. Hours of hard work, and I'm excited to be able to share it with everyone.

I'm on a call with my manager with my laptop ready to post my single. It's a simple post with a picture of an ocean I took a while back.

"Okay, are you ready?" Sarah asks through the phone

"Yeah, here it goes" I click post and I'm immediately welcomed with so much love on the single.

"Okay, looks like everything is going well. You will be able to go live in a little" Sarah says

"That's great! Thank you!"

"Of course, bye sweetie"

"Byeee" I hang up the phone and I scroll through some of the messages on Instagram with my laptop, support messages.

It's been half an hour and I decided to go live, this time on my laptop.

"Heyy, everyone" I wave to the camera

I let the positive comments roll in, most of them about the single.

"As many of you know, I just dropped a single "Wave"".

I explain the single and my thought process during the making. I also give a heads up on further singles coming out.

"How are you? Also can you say hi Jasmin" I read a comment

"Hi Jasmin, and I'm good. Thank you for asking" I smile

"Are you back in LA?" I read another comment

"Yes, I've been back for about two weeks. Sorry I didn't update I was busy getting back into schedule"

"Will you be doing any events later this year?" I read a comment

"Ummm, none that I can say or that has a definite yes"

"Big plans for 2020?"

"Umm, I do have plans for 2020 but they can always change speaking that it is 2 and a half months away. Technically more because I won't be doing stuff right in the beginning of the year"

"Are you spending Christmas in LA or Portland?"

"My parents are usually home during Christmas time so probably Portland"

I continue with the live for a little over half an hour and decide it was time to go to sleep because it was past midnight.

I wake up to a call from, Seavey. I answer the call, sitting up a bit.

"Hello?" I rasp through the phone

"Hey, did you just wake up?" Blondie laughs

"Yeah, how are you?"

"Good, good, busy though. How are you?"  Blondie speaks

"I'm good, I'm just been spending time writing"

"Ohhh, congrats on "Wave". I listened to it and you should've gave me creds" Seavey teases

"Thank you"

"Yeah, but actually it's really good"

"Well I had a great guide" I smile

"Yourself, seriously you did that I just helped you put the pieces together" Seavey insists

"Thank you again, where are you today?" I curiously ask

"Dortmund, Germany"

"Oooo, sounds fun" I hype

"It is! You should've totally came"

"As much as it does sound fun, I'm glad I stayed get myself wrapped around my schedule again"

"I'll see you in two weeks though"


"Well we're official now!" Ally gushes

"I'm happy for you, Chase seems improved since the last time I saw him"

"I told you!" Ally smiles "how are you and Daniel doing?"

"Pretty good- wait, you know we're just friends, right?"

She laughs "I know, but now I know you have a crush on him!"

"How? I didn't even say anything?"

"One, if you didn't you would have let it slide and just assumed I was talking about your friendship" she pauses "two, you basically gave it away and I quote "how? I didn't even say anything" end of quote" she smiles "you have a crush!"

I let out a sigh, do I really like him? Those reasons did seem believable.

"And now you're questioning if you actually like him" she folds her hands

"How do you?- you know me so well" I smile

"Now, why is it so hard for you to admit your feelings for him?" Ally asks

"There's nothing to admit" I shrug

"C'mon, I thought we were passed the you denying it stage. Tell me truthfully what's on your mind"

I take in a big breath before speaking "I don't know, my mind seems scattered but whenever I start writing it all just falls into place" I pause "I like Seavey, of course I do, he's my best friend... But I do think I like him more than a friend, but I don't do anything about it? I don't know" frustrated I put my head in my hands

"It's okay, keep talking. I think it's good to talk about it so you can see where your mind is at, but don't hesitate if it's on your mind, say it. That's how you're going to figure this situation out" Ally reassures

"Okay, where do I start? High school we would always tease each other like regular highs school kids. When we reunited we did the same teasing. It felt like high school again, until we got to New York or maybe it was right before you encouraged me to get the ticket there" I pause "in New York, Jonah and Corbyn were saying something about there being a connection between us, and I was so oblivious until now that I'm looking back at it" I smile "our last night, we slept on the same bed on different sides and when I woke up, we we're cuddling. It seems weird now, because we didn't say anything about it it just felt, normal, I guess"

I continue "when I said goodbye at the airport, we had a moment I guess you can call it. I brushed it off then, but now I feel like we could've, kissed?" I say hesitantly

"Wait what? Why didn't you tell me this? Please tell me more?" Ally begs playfully

I laugh "okay, well it was subtle hints I guess. We were in a hug, so pretty close and then we looked at each other's lips. Before anything happened Eben yelled for Seavey and the other guys were just laughing. Like they knew they ruined a moment. It's just confusing because, Seavey and I never talked about any of that"

"Well it looks like you are opening up to your feelings" She smiles "do you think it would be different between you two when he comes back from tour?"

"To be honest, no, and it seems good, like that moment won't change our friendship but the same time. It's sucks? Because we won't talk about that, and it just seems it would be in a loop until one of us makes a move. A successful move" I explain

"Yeah I get that, and maybe when he comes back he'll get some since into him and know that he likes you, or you can make the first move?" Ally laughs

I laugh with her before replying "maybe, who knows. Anyways! Tell me the story on how Chase asked you out, again"

Ally laughs, she smiles and gushes, telling me the story of how Chase asked her and made their relationship official.

Notable Newcomer // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now