Notable Newcomer - Part 3

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After hours of partying; dancing, singing, snacking and a few sips of, water *wink, wink* The crowd was getting smaller and smaller. The hundreds of people that were here turning into tens.

We had a big countdown to midnight, then after we played "Voyage". It was so much fun lately I've been planning and going to a lot of party's.

There is another party that Atlantic Records is holding. Not sure what it's about but I'm assuming it's more formal and I will be attending because it is my record label. Then when I get to one million we will have another celebration, maybe not as big as this but definitely celebrating.

I smile to myself and continue to help clean up.

"Sweetie, you don't have to clean" Sarah says

"I know, but I want to help" I reply back

"Ally! Will you drive y/n home?" Sarah yells

"Hey, I'm not drunk. I can drive myself" I say

"You had sips, you're getting driven" Sarah says back.

I don't bother debating. I walk over to the couch and sit down. Waiting for Ally to drive me home.

Allyson, known as Ally. She was my first friend I made in LA. She's supportive and very outgoing. Let's just say, she talks to a lot of guys. Not at the same time though, she isn't like that.

"Hey y/n, ready to go?" Ally says, swinging her keys around her finger

"Yeah, wait, what about my car?"

"Sarah will pick you up in the morning, so you can get your car" Ally explains

"Or to make it easier on all of us, I can drive myself"

"We can get Krispy Kreme?" Ally bribes

"I guess you're driving" I smile and skip my way out the door

"What do you mean you guess? We both know you want donuts"

"Exactly, you know me so well"

After getting donuts we sing happily in the car, blasting my music. Ally drops me off and I say goodbye to her with a hug. Once getting inside my house, I quickly put on some pj's and crawl into bed. Happy that my life took me here...


"Hurry up y/n! You're gonna be late!" Sarah yells from my living room.

"I'm at least fashionable" I smile grabbing the last of my things

"Only you y/n, only you" Sarah says causing me to laugh.

We decided to take a car together. It would be easier going to this event, Atlantic Records is holding together. Sarah says there is going to be people who share the same record as me. I mean, it would make the most sense.

There was a crowd of people in front of the main entrance. Great, and it looks like there is paparazzi. They won't bug me again, will they?

I get out of the car, and I simply follow Sarah to the entrance.

"Sorry y/n, there's some complications on getting us in" Sarah says in my ear, so I can hear over everyone

"That's fine, as long as they don't ask me questions" I say, trying to avoid eye contact with them

"Just don't answer that made things worse last time, looks like they are on their way here" Sarah says tilting her head

"Y/n! How was your party a few days ago for your new album?"

I didn't answer but there was no silence, someone else spoke.

"Y/n! Are you and Liam going to ever resolve your issues?"

There it was, the question I definitely didn't want to hear. It's been two years, can't we just completely forget about it...

Liam, my ex boyfriend, from when I lived in Portland. He was well known and once he turned 18. I started getting hate from his fan base. I didn't have one yet but I still tried to defend myself. The whole thing ended when his fan base, literally hated me and caused drama. Sure, there were a couple people who loved us together. Most of the reason, if not all was because there was drama and hate in his fandom about me. It always bugged me, but it eventually got to him and he broke up with me. The last thing he told me was. "Forget about me, go to LA! It's for the best!" What hurt the most, was he basically told his fans that I left him because I couldn't do long distance. When in reality, it was the hate and drama that separated us.

I then get tugged in by Sarah, the doors closing muting the sound of cameras and questions being thrown. I walk behind Sarah greeting a few people, there's snacks and drinks, light music playing, and artists. So many talented people, so many artist's. It's amazing, what a soothing yet fun community. I'm in a small group of my manager, Melanie Martinez, Benn Platt, and two other people I don't recognize.

The door opens, directing my attention to it as a few boys walk in. Must be some boy band. I zone back into our conversation, then back out when I got a glimpse of familiar blue eyes.


Notable Newcomer // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now