h e y , s o u l m a t e ♥︎ || part 1

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(ya'll 'if only' kept playing in my head as i wrote this idek why-)

(anyways, enjoy :>)

  Of the many things the First Spinjitsu Master had brought upon this world, the greatest would be the gift of soulmates. After all, for what other purpose was the heart created, if not to love? Humans are always desperate for affection, constantly craving it whether they acknowledge it or not. It is just a matter of nature. And with the knowledge of who you were truly meant to be with, one would think that everyone could finally be content and happy with their lives.

  If only it were that easy.

  With this divine gift came complex prejudicial standards and taboos; not necessarily set by the First Spinjitsu Master, but rather society itself. Because humans simply couldn't ever be satisfied with what they'd been given. Being with someone who was not your soulmate was frowned upon; it didn't matter whether yours had died. People were expected to simply carry on and live out their grievances alone. Some had outright rejected the idea of soulmates, labelling it as superstition and bullshit, a glorified chain that trapped you to one single person. Others were simply forced into arranged marriages by their parents, whether out of wealth or bloodline. There were also a handful who were unfortunate enough to be paired with somebody from an entirely different timeline. Such were the downfalls in pursuing a happily ever after.

  Lloyd, for one, had never believed in such a thing anyway. Which was ironic, given it was his grandfather that created the entire concept in the first place. He found that the idea of recognising your significant other by the tugging of your heartstrings and seeing glimpses of their day in your dreams... stupid. Unrealistic. With his luck, he was probably born without one altogether. And even if he did have one, they'd possibly turn him down flat once they figured out who he was.

  So yeah, Lloyd wasn't big on the whole made-for-each-other deal. Until he turned eleven and had his very first soulmate dream. In which he absolutely panicked and went ballistic.

  Now, on average, one would start having such dreams in their childhood. These dreams were of the lucid kind; so it was quite an experience to be completely conscious and living out the life of another. The earliest recorded was at the age of five, the latest at 27. Lloyd had, in all honesty, thought he'd break the record and have his dream when he was old and wrinkly and on the brink of death. But now...

  Oh god, now what? Lloyd took in his surroundings. He was at some sort of camping site. Perhaps this was a field trip? Lloyd wouldn't really know. The schools he'd attended never let him join such activities. He witnessed as he, well, his soulmate that is, gathered as many branches as she could fit between her tiny arms, humming all the while. At some point, a boy with brown hair approached her. Lloyd felt his body tense up.

  "Give." the boy drawled, sticking out his hand.

  Although Lloyd wasn't entirely sure, he felt himself sending the boy a glare, and he felt faintly proud of his soulmate for standing up.

  "Why should I?"

  "Fine, I'll take it myself." he made a grab for the stash, but she'd stuck out her foot and pushed him away.

  "Leave me alone and get your own firewood." she huffed, beginning to walk away. But then the boy growled and shoved her from behind. She fell to the ground, twigs and branches scattered about her. Lloyd was absolutely livid and he began to thrash about, aware that he wasn't making any significant impact on the situation.

  The boy snickered. "Not so tough now, huh? You dumb girl."

  Just as he bent down to collect his prize, the girl whipped around faster than he could react and punched him in the face. There was a faint cracking noise. The girl retracted her hand, and in spite of the throbbing she felt in her knuckles she broke into a triumphant grin.

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