I felt like I was in the middle of a horror movie. The shouting, screaming — the alarm echoing throughout what felt like the entire school. Tommy and I didn't know where to go.

Security came rushing down the hall with handcuffs. I thanked myself for not being involved. I can only imagine those were the fights Ghallgher warned us about and I was the last person that needed to be in that mix.

Tommy and I took refuge in one of the many boy's bathroom. I was just happy it was empty and semi-quiet. The alarm shut off after a few minutes, but you could hear the chaos in the near distance.

Tommy was practically panting, "What the fuck just happened? All of it! What is going on!?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, but that was fucking insane."

He ran his hand through his curls, "Gallagher isn't going to be happy. I don't wanna know how we're all gonna end up suffering."

"I don't think we'll all be dragged into this. Whoever got caught by security — they're fucked," I assured him. "Don't worry."

"This school is going to shit."

I sighed, "It's been shit."

He shook his head, "To think he just brought this up not too long ago ..."

"It was coming. One way or another."

We waited for the bell to ring so we could leave the bathroom and head to class.

We went our separate ways, breaking off with a warning to each other. I'm sure we'll be hearing about this in no time over the speakers. The panic in my chest faded as I clung to the warming thought of Athena.

When the morning officially started, no one could shut up about what happened, as expected. Two of my teachers were questioning us, trying to figure out what caused the sudden eruption. I've heard several different stories and possible reasons. And all of it is familiar.

After a while I blocked it out, reminiscing Athena's touch. The fire I felt traveling through my body. Her sweet words in my ear, her voice so close and soft like music. It was strange ... feeling comfortable while everyone was frantic and gossiping. I felt like I was on the inside looking out.

I felt like I was standing still while everyone was running. And for the first time ever, I was happy with that.

I began thinking about what our conversation was going to be today. Not too long ago I couldn't stand our conversations. It always felt like she was prying. Trying to get answers for her own personal gains.

I like to think she's proved me wrong, even if she is also ... still ... my teacher.

Who would've thought I'd end up having feelings with another girl — woman — in high school.

I mean I really tried to avoid that.

Tommy and I met up by his locker, preparing ourselves for our favorite class of the day.

"Anyone talking about this morning in your classes?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Didn't learn anything these past three hours. Everyone is just talking about what happened," I answered while checking our surroundings.

"Fucking stupid," He mumbled. "Let's go."

We walked to the classroom. Athena was already inside, her back turned to us for a few moments. Her hair was in a ponytail and she turned around as soon as Tommy greeted her.

"Morning Ms. Frost," He said as he walked past me.

"Good morning Tommy," She said absently mindedly as her eyes shot to me.

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