Chapter 43

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" Rhea ! Where are you ?"

" shuuuuu ! She fell asleep in the study. She overworked herself" Maggie said in a soft tone.

" Okay I'll take her to our bedroom. Goodnight Maggie"

" Did you eat ?"

" Yes I did. How's Larry ?"

She burst out laughing.

" let's discuss it in the morning?"

" yes. I am exhausted too"

" Goodnight Aiden"

I walked towards the study.
My beautiful wife was sleeping with her head on the desk and mouth wide open. All innocent.

I went near her and took some pictures. Picked her up.

She opened her eyes " just because I am dead sleepy"
And went back to sleep

" goodnight baby" and kissed her forehead.


" Aghhhhhhhhh"
I opened my eyes and I meet the floor.

" Rhea ! Did you push me ?"

I sit up and see her glaring at me.

" I kicked you"

" what ?"

" I didn't push you. I kicked you"

" And what did I do to get such a treatment"

" what did you do ? Hahahahaha Let's make a list shall we ? Where to start ? Umm yesss don't let me sleep 2. You just wake me up and say you are leaving, no prior notice

" Rhea, calm down please "

" calm down. Okay. This is me calm. You better start talking"

" What is there to say. I had to go to London for an important meeting, and we are in the middle of an important issue here.We are 2 people. So I split us between situations to handle effectively"

She sighed and laid back down on the bed.


" you don't get it Aiden. I don't like things being handed to me like that. If I don't have a say I don't like it. Moreover it's not something small. It's your company. A multi Billionaire company! It's a lot of responsibility!

He cut me off
" It's not anything new ! You own one on your own"

" No Aiden. It's my father's. I own 10%. Now 20% because Reed gave me his share. I don't think I'll ever own it like you do , ever"

I sighed. It's complicated. I don't even know what I want to do.

" Aiden. I need a break. From everything. A lot has happened in such a short time. I am going away

Suddenly he was on me!
Held my hands above my head.
Kissing me roughly.

" mm Ai... Aiden"

" you listen to me carefully Mrs. Aiden Black. You are mine! You are not going anywhere. The moment I married you, everything of mine was yours. Giving you half the company was just a legal formality. You own every single thing of mine. Including me"

He kissed me again.

" There won't be any going away until and useless it's both of us involved. Now how about I share my gifts with you"

He gets up and goes to the chair.

I support my head with my hand and look at him.
Sexy. But so dominating.

" Hubby. Next time you don't discuss it before and just hand me things it won't be pretty"

He comes back with a gift box.

" Don't tell me you had time to shop in London. You were in the city for like 4 hours max"

" Patience baby"

He opens the lid and my eyes go wide.
Shit! I did not think this through.

" well let's have some make up sex. Using your gifts shall we ?" He huskily said moving closer to me.

" Ai... Aiden! What are you doing ? We need to get to office" I said trying to get off the bed.

He pulled me and in one swift motion I was on the bed.

" Let's deal with my issue first" he pressed on to me.



" If both of you don't come downstairs in 2 minutes. I will have Jacob break this door!" Lena shouted.

" Coming baby. 1 minute" I shouted

" Aiden come let's go!"

He hugged me tighter.

" 1 minute left" came a loud voice

" Aghh. Why are you here?" Aiden shouted.

" open the door and my fist will answer the question" lena Said

I laughed because Aiden loosened his hold.

I quickly put on his T shirt and my shorts and opened the door.

" Well Hello Darling. I am your Ignored Pregnant friend Elena. Remember?"

She held my ear and dragged me downstairs.

" ouuuuuu ouchhhhhhh it hurts lenaaaaaa"

" Ignoring also hurts "

" when did I even Ignore you ?"

" How dare you CROSS QUESTION ME?"

I rolled my eyes. Hormones.

" so did you finally agree to give us some time ?" A voice Said as we reached downstairs.

" Karan?!"

" Hello Rhea" several voices said
And I finally look properly and see all them sitting in the living room and glaring at me.

I gulped.

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