Chapter 9 ( part 1)

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Rhea PoV

Stupid head ... Stupid body....stupid reed .... Stupid people.... Stupid time..... Stupid me

I have to find a way to stop Reed . He will tell dad otherwise. But Reed is such a moron, he won't listen.

" hey you alright ?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up.

" sorry Dylan. I kinda zoned out"

" it's alright. I um .... Um ,..... Rhea I'm "

" Dylan , it's the last time I'm telling you. It's alright it's not your fault at all. Okay?"

" damn right !! It's not his fault , it's yours. How could you be so irresponsible? Huh. I can't believe you right now. You are such a stupid girl"

Dylan growled. I was shocked.

" Mr. Reed I highly suggest you stop scolding her. Sometimes things just happen okay? Now just drive to the hotel peacefully and allow Rhea to rest. Am I clear?"

Dylan said with so much authority and I was gaping like a fish. What happened to the cool flirty guy?

Dylan was talking in the phone while I dozed off.

Then again I woke up obviously since I'm such a light sleeper.
But then again when I dozed off next to Aiden , I slept peacefully. I felt safe and warm.

Aiden ...... I have no clue how to deal with him. I feel a pull towards him. He is ... I don't know what to say or think.

" Rhea ,baby girl do you want me to carry you out?"

I looked to see from window that we were at the lobby entrance. I shook my head and opened the door. I got out and instantly a cold weather greeted me.

I looked to the drivers side of the car. Dylan and Reed were talking with each other.

Then I felt the smell. The same cologne he uses.

I was lifted off my feet and was held like a bride.

" Aiden , what are you doing? Put me down this instant!"

" no ways cupcake. You are not going to argue with Aiden. You are not well"

" I completely agree with Chris, Ri" Jacob exclaimed and sighed.

" we all do. Now get her small bum inside Aiden" Katy exclaimed

" hey ! I don't have a small bum Katy. Don't insult my bum!"

Everyone roared with laughter. I felt hot and red.

" sure you don't sweetie. It's like all your supposed bum fat is also stored in your boobs" Ellie exclaimed

All girls hi fied each other.

" Are we going to stand here all day? I have to pee badly" Elena stated

Ohh the perks of being pregnant...

" yeah right lets go" Aiden said and locked his eyes with mine.


Hey hey there!!!

I got my first comment for this book!!!!!

I'm sooooooo hhaaaappppyyyy!!!


@paushpaush : thank you for the first comment or should I say my only comment. You just made my day. This update is for you!!!

I'll update soon. I'm sorry for such short chapter and delay !!!

Lots of love

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