Chapter 37

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" Mr. Mohan ! What a surprise! Please come in sir"

" Jacob! How are you ? I hope I'm not disturbing "

Jacob looked at 45 pairs of eyes in the room, giving them a signal to get out.

All of them ran out of the room leaving Mr. Mohan amused.

" sir please take a seat "

Mr. Mohan sat down and looked at Jacob.
" there are so many things I have taken away from Rhea and all of you. It's time I step down and let you people take your chances"

Jacob was not sure what is happening. Aiden sent a message earlier that he and Rhea will be in Maldives for the rest of the week. And now Mr. Mohan drops by.

" sir ? I'm not sure what you mean "

He patted his shoulder and said " all of you come over for dinner tonight? I'm sure Jay Ram can whip something up quickly for everyone. I'll take your leave now but I expect all of you for dinner at 6 pm sharp. It's a very casual thing"

He stood up and walked out.

Jacob sat still not expecting this at all. He snapped out of it and took his phone.

He texted : conference call now !!

Within two minutes his phone rang.

" what is the matter Jacob ?" Chris asked

" Mr. Mohan came to my office and asked all of us to be at his place at 6 pm for dinner "

" Jacob have you lost your mind ? Did you dream ?" Ellie asked

" no Karan is here in New York too. He also said the same thing " Katy spoke

" what does he want to discuss about ?" Dylan questioned

" I have no idea " Jacob told

" why don't all of you come down to my office ? It's 2 pm now. We need to talk about a lot of things before we meet him. Cancel all your meetings and I'll see you all at 3. Elena ? Get me a fresh set of clothes along with you please"

" okay honey "

" see you and bye" were heard

But Jacob's mind was still thinking about why the man was here.


" so all of us want this right ? If the response from Mr. Mohan is positive ?" Dylan asked

All of them replied with an instant yes.

They had been discussing various scenarios, what these guys want and what will happen for the past two hours.

" okay guys, so we stick to this. Now let's go get ready ! It's 5 pm" Ellie said

" ya we can't be late. All of you come back here in the hall by 5:30 sharp " Katy demanded and walked away

They were sitting in the Jacob's Office penthouse.

Elena hugged Jacob and kissed his forehead.
" don't worry, everything will be alright "

Jacob put a hand on her belly and snuggled closer.

cough... cough... " we need to get ready" Chris smirked.

Jacob rolled his eyes, got up and patted Chris on the back loudly.
" ouch man ! It hurts "

" oh ! I had no clue"

" guys ! Shut up and go get ready. Everyone else have already gone " Elena said and walked towards the girls room

All of them were dressed so casually. No one uttered a word.
Jacob, Elena and Chris drove in one car and Dylan, Ellie and Katy in another.
Karan has sent a message to Katy that the dinner was in Rhea's new apartment 55 Morgan Stanley. So it was nearby.

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