7. The After Effects

Start from the beginning

Atharva along with his father went to doctor's cabin.

Doctor- "Hello sir.. please have a seat.. Mr. Malhotra.. right?? "

Atharva- "No doctor.. I am Atharva Sachdeva and he is my dad..."

Doctor gave them strange look and spoke- "Sorry you are Dhriti's..?"

Atharva- "Doctor i am Dhriti's brother in law... How is she??"

Doctor- "Oh!! Alright Mr. Sachdeva... About Dhriti she is out of danger but her condition is not stable..
She has bruises all over her body...
Her entire body is severely injured...
Looking at her marks it seems that someone has hit her with very strong and sharp object maybe a belt, rope or something like that....
There are bites on her neck and other parts of body..."

Atharva eyes got teared after listening to doctor. He was afraid to ask but still did ask in fearful tone -
"Doctor.... Has she been raped??"

Doctor- "No Mr. Sachdeva by god's grace its not the case of rape...
But she has been sexually harassed and beaten mercilessly.... Even i was shocked to see marks on her body while treating her.. I don't know how can anyone be so much inhumane ??
And Mr. Sachdeva we have also find a kind of drug in her body.."

Atharva- "Which kind of drug?"

Doctor- "This kind of drug is used to control functioning of human mind.. it makes human body numb and person is not able to react or oppose anything. The quantity of drug was a bit high. It seems that she has been drugged on regular basis. "

Atharva- "Doctor is she awake now.?? When can we meet her.. "

Doctor- "She is not responding to our medicines as of now due to overdosage of drug. She will be awake after a day or soo. Her body is really tired. Let her rest for a while"

They thanked the doctor and went outside cabin. Swati and Atharva's mom was waiting for them. They were a bit hesitant but told everything which doctor told them.
Swati who was too numb to react started sobbing. All of sudden she picked up her phone and called Rakshit to hospital.

Rakshit came and was really worried as Swati just asked him to come urgently without explaining anything.
He went where Swati was sitting with her family. He shared a look with other members. Swati looked up from ground and dragged Rakshit to window of Dhriti's room from where her conscious body attached with many tubes can be seen.

Rakshit was hurt to see Dhriti on hospital bed and lot of tubes attached to her body. He looked at their faces for explaination.

Swati said in firm voice- "Congratulations Mr. Malhotra. I think now you will be really happy and highly satisfied to see her in such condition. She has been mercilessly beaten and sexually harassed.
Sad news is she is STILL ALIVE....
This is what happened when you fuc*ing ignore her when she asked for her help...
But it doesn't matter to you right??
She is no one to you..
I am really sorry to call you and waste your time here...
I think you should go and enjoy your wedding..."

Rakshit was not able reply her as he knew that he was at fault also. He talked to Atharva for a while and went back home not before asking him to call him once Dhriti wakes up.

Next Day

Atharva and Swati never left Dhriti's side. They were waiting for her to open her eyes. Doctor checked her and told them that Dhriti was finally awake. The went to her room .

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