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To me, Wattpad is an escape from the outside world and I'm sure it's the same for most of you. That's why I've never made it a point to speak on any heavy topics, but I felt like now was a good time as any to start. I know the protests have been going on for a few weeks now, but I had to collect myself while I processed all the information that was being given. I should have spoken on here sooner and for that I'm sorry.

So far, despite being Mexican-American and female, I haven't had any personal racist encounters. That's a privilege of mine that I recognize. I don't go out often and when I do I am usually with a group of people I trust. Unfortunately, not everybody can say the same. There are others who can't just stay home or always go out with a group of people they trust. Many children, teenagers, and adults live their everyday lives differently.

It saddens me and angers me that skin is a factor of judgment. Because a person is black, there is still the perception that they are seen as more dangerous. It's bullshit, that's what it is! It's been several decades since the Civil Rights Movement, and we still need to protest for equality? Really? Why is that something we still need to argue over? Why do we still need to argue about who's life is more worthy? Why is white supremacy still a debate?

All of this discrimination and prejudice in my country should have stopped since the Declaration of Independence. When it was clearly stated that ALL should be seen as FREE and EQUAL. But it didn't and slavery continued. It should have stopped after the Civil War, but it didn't. Do you know my country did? It created black codes and sharecropping during Reconstruction. It created the 13th amendment which was a trap and a loop whole for another form of slavery. Then the Jim Crow laws were passed and red-lining. And you'd think after several decades, heck even centuries, that it'd eventually stop and people would evolve and realize that equality is for EVERYONE.

I cannot go to the protests for several reasons, but I have signed petitions, and currently, Revive Music (a Youtube channel) is streaming. Every view is a donation to the movement. There are other similar videos as well, and all you have to do is search up Donations #BLM. Several videos will pop up if you don't have any money it's a great way to contribute.

I've been lucky enough to have people around me to educate me on the best they can. My school has a Chicano/African American Studies class that I took sophomore year. I live in a very liberal city/state; which is ironic considering the police that are here.

I know not everybody has that opportunity, and if you want recommendations to some shows/ movies or literature here is a list. I have seen some of these and others have been highly recommended from social media:

 I have seen some of these and others have been highly recommended from social media:

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I will continue to educate myself and contribute to the best of my abilities

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I will continue to educate myself and contribute to the best of my abilities. I hope you guys will do the same.

And lastly, I just want to wish you a Happy Pride Month!

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