• Chapter Three •

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I walked into the cafeteria and looked toward our usual table. I started making my way over to my table when I was stopped by Cody.

"You on for Saturday?"

"Um, hi," I said with a smirk, "Yes, my mom said that it was okey."


"So, when and where."

"I'll pick you up at four. Archer's match starts at five, so we'll have plenty time to get there before it starts."

"Okay, cool. Thanks."

"See you around."

I continued on my route to our table and as I sat down I received stares from all my friends.

"What?" I obviously know what, Cody, Mr Popular, was talking to me. Ah what a big deal, not. He's just a guy isn't he.

"Um, I'm sure we don't have to answer that..." Ethan sat staring at me.

"Cody and Archer offered me a ride home yesterday, no big deal.
They offered for me to come watch a boxing match with them on Saturday. I told him I'd be there. That's all."

"Wow. Only you would want to watch a sports match on a Saturday night. I can't think of anything worse." Said Erin.

"Well it's good that I'm not asking you to go with. E, Caity, you wanna go?" I asked my more sport friendly friends.

"Ah, sorry A. I'm going to be away this weekend, helping my aunt move house. I wish I could." Said Caitlyn, disappointed.

"I'm so in. We'll have so much fun, A. Plus, there will be some eye candy." Ethan Giggled like a four year old girl.

"Great." I said with a smile.

The walk home took about half an hour. When I stepped through the door, the warm air greeted me with open arms. I threw my bag down in the dining room and called out to see if anyone was home. Dead silence.

I've always loved and hated being home alone. For one, it's so peaceful and I can sing at the top of my lungs with no judgement. In the other hand, if a murderer comes in, then there's no one to save me or call the cops.

I make my way upstairs, then to my closet. I change into my training gear and head downstairs to retrieve a bottle of water.

With my phone and earphones in hand I make my way outside and start to jog up the street.

I go to the gym four times a week, and I usually jog there as a sort of warm up. Weekends are my days off, and the other day of the week is optional, based on how I'm feeling.

I've always enjoyed running. It gives me some time to clear my head and it actually helps me manage my anxiety.

When I went to my therapist as a child, he explained to me that when exercising, the brain releases endorphins which end up reducing stress and anxiety. I was always good at sport and anything athletic. So he recommended doing more exercise, because of its benefits and knowing that I already had a fondness for it. I, of course, hade no problem with that.

When I near the gym, I start to slow. It's only a fifteen minute run, because it's relatively close to my house.

When I step inside I can feel the warmth of the gym wafting around me, unfortunately along with the slight smell of sweat.

I head over to the counter and hand my gym ID to the lady that works there. I then make my way over to the area where they keep the jump ropes.

Today I'm skipping and doing my sprints on the indoor track. I know that skipping probably sounds wierd and probably useless, but it actually improves stamina, coordination and focus. Plus it works on your abdominal, leg and arm muscles.

Her Strength, His WeaknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang